nekodex - circles! [insane!] |
x| |
73.58908081054688 |
99.64399719238281 |
829 |
0 |
2024-11-27 16:16:14 |
Shiraishi - Shinsekai (Speedup ver.) [331] |
x| |
98.73420715332031 |
96.66600036621094 |
400 |
7 |
2024-11-27 16:13:33 |
Junichi Masuda - Opening [Red] |
x| |
15.286857604980469 |
99.73699951171875 |
459 |
0 |
2024-11-25 09:58:47 |
montagem - conga conga [CONGA] |
x| |
108.66382598876953 |
98.59400177001953 |
150 |
1 |
2024-11-25 09:40:48 |
Dr. Pez - Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Music Medley [Nostalgia] |
x| |
45.1759033203125 |
98.89900207519531 |
1870 |
8 |
2024-11-24 13:01:51 |
nekodex - circles! [hard!] |
xhd| |
50.982872009277344 |
99.27100372314453 |
809 |
0 |
2024-11-24 12:43:36 |
Ara Potato - Skype x Can Can [Hard] |
x| |
35.331634521484375 |
100.0 |
585 |
0 |
2024-11-24 08:29:30 |
Angiigs - que prefieren? [Expert Angiigs] |
x| |
24.434118270874023 |
87.52100372314453 |
243 |
5 |
2024-11-24 08:27:08 |
Gunma Denki - Yobikomi Kun [sasakama-01] |
xhd| |
131.5113067626953 |
94.72000122070312 |
182 |
0 |
2024-11-24 08:20:04 |
Biser King x Timbaland - Dom Dom Yes Yes x Give It To Me (Club Remix) [Normal Toilet] |
xhc| |
21.07528305053711 |
100.0 |
381 |
0 |
2024-11-24 08:19:02 |
IBM 7094 - Daisy Bell [Hard] |
x| |
23.027999877929688 |
100.0 |
101 |
0 |
2024-11-23 19:59:21 |
Shiraishi - Shinsekai (Speedup ver.) [292] |
x| |
456.08819580078125 |
100.0 |
1033 |
0 |
2024-11-23 19:58:19 |
Shiraishi - Shinsekai (Speedup ver.) [331] |
x| |
108.51541137695312 |
97.65299987792969 |
484 |
7 |
2024-11-23 19:57:02 |
SirSpork - In The hall of the mountain king (remix) [Good Luck] |
xenl| |
5.859195236195686e-14 |
29.26799964904785 |
209 |
10225 |
2024-11-23 19:28:31 |
cYsmix - triangles [Tt's Normal] |
x| |
10.389444351196289 |
100.0 |
407 |
0 |
2024-11-23 19:20:42 |
Koji Kondo - Title BGM [molneya's Mini Hard] |
x| |
20.612937927246094 |
100.0 |
212 |
0 |
2024-11-23 19:16:16 |
nekodex - circles! [hard!] |
x| |
22.051095962524414 |
100.0 |
807 |
0 |
2024-11-23 19:14:02 |
daniwellP - Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! [Collab] |
x| |
59.59702682495117 |
99.89600372314453 |
1569 |
0 |
2024-11-23 19:02:36 |
Gunma Denki - Yobikomi Kun [sasakama-01] |
xhd| |
132.0232391357422 |
94.8239974975586 |
182 |
0 |
2024-11-23 18:55:02 |
Sheet Music Boss - RUSH A [RussiA] |
x| |
59.29450988769531 |
99.43099975585938 |
494 |
1 |
2024-11-23 18:49:58 |
Shiraishi - Shinsekai (Speedup ver.) [277] |
xhcu| |
189.68359375 |
99.2969970703125 |
1049 |
0 |
2024-11-21 20:54:08 |
Shiraishi - Shinsekai (Speedup ver.) [331] |
x| |
16.645126342773438 |
96.13899993896484 |
421 |
29 |
2024-11-21 20:48:44 |
Shiraishi - Shinsekai (Speedup ver.) [277] |
xc| |
185.72132873535156 |
99.87200164794922 |
1049 |
0 |
2024-11-21 17:55:10 |
Shiraishi - Shinsekai (Speedup ver.) [277] |
xc| |
173.01821899414062 |
99.56800079345703 |
1028 |
1 |
2024-11-21 17:54:00 |
Shiraishi - Shinsekai (Speedup ver.) [277] |
xd| |
185.72132873535156 |
99.87200164794922 |
1049 |
0 |
2024-11-21 17:51:13 |
Shiraishi - Shinsekai (Speedup ver.) [277] |
xdu| |
185.72132873535156 |
99.87200164794922 |
1049 |
0 |
2024-11-21 17:42:17 |
Shiraishi - Shinsekai (Speedup ver.) [277] |
xduv| |
177.66627502441406 |
99.2969970703125 |
1049 |
0 |
2024-11-21 17:39:25 |
Shiraishi - Shinsekai (Speedup ver.) [277] |
x| |
38.46180725097656 |
100.0 |
1049 |
0 |
2024-11-21 17:37:39 |
x| |
57.15108871459961 |
100.0 |
278 |
0 |
2024-11-21 16:53:08 |
GuarderiaCabaret - Picadura de la cobra gay [BIG GAY] |
x| |
48.73735427856445 |
93.80999755859375 |
232 |
4 |
2024-11-21 16:51:30 |
unknown - daisy bell [TAG4] |
x| |
31.465543746948242 |
95.75700378417969 |
115 |
1 |
2024-11-21 16:49:34 |
GuarderiaCabaret - Picadura de la cobra gay [BIG GAY] |
x| |
57.01741027832031 |
96.59500122070312 |
242 |
4 |
2024-11-20 21:49:47 |
Sheet Music Boss - RUSH C [this diffname is not available in your country] |
x| |
59.41143798828125 |
96.62999725341797 |
372 |
0 |
2024-11-20 16:23:36 |
Lazy Town - You Are A Pirate [Lazy] |
x|AR10.0|OD8.2|CS12.7 |
0.0 |
89.83699798583984 |
148 |
0 |
2024-11-20 14:31:52 |
Cass2 - Gravity Falls Theme Song- 16 Bit Mix [Expert] |
xu| |
72.29021453857422 |
98.12200164794922 |
202 |
0 |
2024-11-20 14:15:39 |
Sheet Music Boss - RUSH C [this diffname is not available in your country] |
x| |
64.11825561523438 |
97.947998046875 |
378 |
0 |
2024-11-19 21:02:14 |
Knife Party - Centipede [This isn't a map, just a simple visualisation] |
xentl|x0.70|HP0.0 |
2.5254031504884367e-11 |
58.763999938964844 |
224 |
1304 |
2024-11-19 20:40:26 |
SirSpork - In The hall of the mountain king (remix) [Good Luck] |
xn|HP0.0 |
6.7554876961792146e-18 |
19.357999801635742 |
1037 |
12280 |
2024-11-19 20:35:47 |
Knife Party - Centipede [This isn't a map, just a simple visualisation] |
xn|HP0.0 |
5.440818628965616e-11 |
41.374000549316406 |
88 |
2546 |
2024-11-19 20:24:49 |
Knife Party - Centipede [This isn't a map, just a simple visualisation] |
xetl|x0.50|AR2.0|OD0.0|HP0.0 |
0.0 |
64.70600128173828 |
170 |
1104 |
2024-11-19 12:53:24 |
SirSpork - In The hall of the mountain king (remix) [Good Luck] |
xnl| |
7.67005406746612e-17 |
22.663999557495117 |
461 |
11845 |
2024-11-19 12:43:22 |
Junichi Masuda - Opening [Lokamp's Missingno] |
xhcu| |
26.95650291442871 |
100.0 |
301 |
0 |
2024-11-19 12:30:40 |
Miley Cyrus - We Can't Stop [Hard] |
xs| |
70.14507293701172 |
100.0 |
636 |
0 |
2024-11-19 12:28:58 |
dj-Nate - Electrodynamics [Turtle's Normal] |
xh| |
12.65218734741211 |
100.0 |
262 |
0 |
2024-11-18 17:42:12 |
Mrs. GREEN APPLE - Inferno (TV Size) [Haruki's Normal] |
xrds|x1.20 |
14.888051986694336 |
96.82499694824219 |
157 |
0 |
2024-11-18 14:57:46 |
Lazy Town - You Are A Pirate [Lazy] |
xdu|x1.20 |
36.90484619140625 |
100.0 |
180 |
0 |
2024-11-18 13:07:45 |
Gunma Denki - Yobikomi Kun [sasakama-01] |
xh| |
68.86031341552734 |
100.0 |
182 |
0 |
2024-11-18 13:05:12 |
nekodex - circles! [normal!] |
xhcu|x1.60 |
51.13727569580078 |
99.22100067138672 |
495 |
0 |
2024-11-18 13:03:09 |
nekodex - circles! [hard!] |
xhc| |
56.718658447265625 |
99.8280029296875 |
812 |
0 |
2024-11-18 12:59:20 |
qebrus - [I don't know title] [lol] |
xns| |
1.1782899633772104e-07 |
67.85299682617188 |
370 |
412 |
2024-11-18 11:35:34 |