va - jump pack [kizuitara] |
xr| |
842.4683837890625 |
98.39199829101562 |
1031 |
3 |
2024-11-27 07:18:37 |
va - jump pack [Walk This Way!] |
xr| |
788.7803955078125 |
98.85600280761719 |
679 |
4 |
2024-11-27 07:43:03 |
Willy William - Pulcino Pio (Willy William Remix) [slop 1.9] |
xehd|x1.50 |
774.8541259765625 |
96.65499877929688 |
304 |
1 |
2024-11-04 12:52:24 |
va - jump pack [1Hope Sniper] |
xr| |
698.9609375 |
97.64099884033203 |
581 |
5 |
2024-11-27 07:15:57 |
Glaive - astrid [pedri] |
xh| |
607.1383666992188 |
96.84200286865234 |
257 |
0 |
2024-11-07 09:36:16 |
Willy William - Pulcino Pio (Willy William Remix) [slop 2] |
xrhdsl| |
596.1834716796875 |
99.0770034790039 |
307 |
0 |
2024-11-01 06:23:01 |
Cascada - Everytime We Touch [Extreme] |
xh| |
586.8809814453125 |
99.35800170898438 |
301 |
0 |
2024-11-02 03:26:08 |
Willy William - Pulcino Pio (Willy William Remix) [guess whos back] |
xrh| |
580.8350219726562 |
100.0 |
120 |
0 |
2024-11-10 13:27:28 |
[Kyoro] - Mochio- [Fatal] |
x| |
557.519287109375 |
98.96199798583984 |
654 |
1 |
2024-11-27 08:26:47 |
Various Artists - jump pack 1 [bedroom community] |
xh| |
551.7681884765625 |
97.40799713134766 |
352 |
0 |
2024-11-13 14:12:01 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack 6 [DJ HANMIN - Show Me Your BBA SAE (Feat. Ingram Jones)] |
xh| |
542.0767822265625 |
99.322998046875 |
379 |
1 |
2024-11-04 12:49:39 |
paraoka feat. haru*nya - Rampage [Stolen Ant Princess] |
xh| |
541.6561889648438 |
97.70999908447266 |
344 |
3 |
2024-11-04 13:05:30 |
IU - Good Day (Cut Ver.) [i'm in my dream] |
xh| |
539.7808227539062 |
99.61199951171875 |
747 |
1 |
2024-11-01 13:00:06 |
Willy William - Pulcino Pio (Willy William Remix) [slop] |
xrh| |
528.6524047851562 |
98.85800170898438 |
150 |
1 |
2024-11-07 09:19:08 |
"Weird Al" Yankovic - Hardware Store [Matching Salt And Pepper Shakers] |
xh| |
513.8826293945312 |
98.88300323486328 |
1459 |
0 |
2024-11-01 13:03:52 |
va - dt pack [gold dust] |
xhd| |
512.5619506835938 |
99.35199737548828 |
928 |
0 |
2024-11-13 13:58:45 |
Spice Girls - Wannabe (Cut Ver.) [Make It Last Forever] |
xrh| |
505.99163818359375 |
99.83300018310547 |
552 |
0 |
2024-11-01 05:47:01 |
Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship - Niconiconi [You will burn in hell] |
xhdl| |
502.03839111328125 |
98.66500091552734 |
1224 |
0 |
2024-11-10 12:43:45 |
va - jump pack 3 [Packet Hero] |
xhs| |
501.99224853515625 |
97.63600158691406 |
753 |
2 |
2024-11-01 12:08:39 |
siinamota feat. Kagamine Rin - Shoujo A [plambob] |
xh| |
499.4203796386719 |
99.70800018310547 |
1133 |
2 |
2024-11-11 06:41:46 |
Various Artists - pedri Pack [centimeter] |
xh| |
475.6471862792969 |
99.58599853515625 |
259 |
1 |
2024-11-08 15:48:34 |
xhs| |
474.5635070800781 |
100.0 |
450 |
0 |
2024-11-01 06:37:01 |
Various Artists - pedri pack 3 [TUCA DONKA] |
xh| |
468.9847106933594 |
97.33899688720703 |
233 |
1 |
2024-10-25 05:42:38 |
Various Artists - pedri Pack [sasageyou] |
xh| |
461.2811279296875 |
98.7239990234375 |
297 |
0 |
2024-11-08 15:49:24 |
youman - Lostalgie feat. Meika Hime [Remembrance] |
x|x1.15 |
459.7673034667969 |
99.43900299072266 |
1359 |
2 |
2024-11-06 10:47:34 |
Spice Girls - Wannabe (Cut Ver.) [gwb's Extra] |
xh|x1.25 |
456.2986145019531 |
98.81300354003906 |
463 |
2 |
2024-11-10 13:38:34 |
Eric Saade - Popular GAMMA [cs2] |
xehdsl| |
455.845703125 |
100.0 |
514 |
0 |
2024-11-01 06:11:42 |
IOSYS - Marisa wa Taihen na Mono wo Nusunde Ikimashita [YOLO] |
xehds|x1.80 |
454.2522277832031 |
99.49099731445312 |
1140 |
1 |
2024-11-04 13:38:18 |
Apollo - Brazil [Atomic Scope] |
xrh| |
453.48291015625 |
97.71199798583984 |
234 |
2 |
2024-11-14 03:48:50 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack [ILY] |
xh|x1.20 |
447.3377990722656 |
98.20999908447266 |
446 |
1 |
2024-11-08 15:51:24 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack [Boss Battle!] |
xh|x1.25 |
447.00274658203125 |
94.74800109863281 |
292 |
0 |
2024-11-10 13:33:54 |
Camellia - Xeroa [PREON] |
xrh| |
446.864501953125 |
98.37200164794922 |
600 |
10 |
2024-11-14 04:13:04 |
"Weird Al" Yankovic - Hardware Store [POG Moment] |
xrh| |
445.84417724609375 |
97.8010025024414 |
206 |
1 |
2024-11-26 08:12:53 |
S3RL - Pika Girl (Nightcore & Cut Ver.) [PIKACHU!!! USE THUNDERBOLT!!!!!] |
xhd| |
444.50506591796875 |
96.4280014038086 |
519 |
0 |
2024-11-06 10:53:30 |
Logic - Homicide feat. Eminem (Cut Ver.) [Genocide (cs7)] |
xh| |
441.6402893066406 |
96.73699951171875 |
527 |
3 |
2024-11-03 05:23:00 |
Cascada - Everytime We Touch [nerfed] |
xh| |
440.8827819824219 |
99.03800201416016 |
301 |
0 |
2024-11-01 06:24:12 |
Infant Annihilator - Feast Ov Goreglutton [Belly of the Beast] |
xh| |
437.89581298828125 |
97.71600341796875 |
651 |
8 |
2024-11-07 05:30:09 |
DJ TOTTO - Crystalia [helloisuck's Crystallized] |
xh| |
434.17694091796875 |
96.88099670410156 |
681 |
8 |
2024-11-10 13:09:49 |
xhd| |
425.922119140625 |
94.82099914550781 |
794 |
2 |
2024-11-01 12:24:22 |
Various Artists - pedri pack 3 [where our blue is] |
xh| |
416.12945556640625 |
96.73699951171875 |
246 |
0 |
2024-11-04 12:06:29 |
Aline Barros - Eu Li Na Biblia (Sped Up & Cut Ver.) [Angelical] |
xrh| |
411.2116394042969 |
100.0 |
560 |
0 |
2024-11-01 05:49:01 |
Selena Gomez & The Scene - Love You Like A Love Song (Cut Ver.) [no one compares] |
xrh| |
405.0690002441406 |
99.4000015258789 |
508 |
1 |
2024-11-04 05:36:06 |
Hoshimachi Suisei - TALALALALALALALALALALALAAAAA LALAAAAAAAAAAAAA [Mahiru's Sounds Piercing The Heavenly Skies] |
xehdsl|x1.25 |
401.9295654296875 |
95.60299682617188 |
307 |
1 |
2024-11-02 03:29:15 |
Various Artists - jump pack 1 [cold weather] |
xh| |
399.38922119140625 |
97.74700164794922 |
251 |
1 |
2024-11-13 13:18:35 |
Various Artists - Corner Jump Training [Kimurawai-P - Kouon Chuu Oniki Test AR9.5] |
xrh| |
396.1257629394531 |
99.10099792480469 |
498 |
0 |
2024-11-01 13:09:35 |
Various Artists - jump pack 1 [coelacanth] |
xh| |
387.5675048828125 |
97.03099822998047 |
628 |
2 |
2024-11-07 09:46:32 |
Various Artists - pedri Pack [dancin] |
xh| |
381.69927978515625 |
99.36499786376953 |
121 |
0 |
2024-11-04 12:02:16 |
Juan Luis Guerra - Las Avispas [Pa' que los piquen] |
xh| |
375.82110595703125 |
99.4990005493164 |
1426 |
1 |
2024-11-04 12:16:49 |
bo en - my time (Omori ver.) [None1637's Easy Jump] |
xrh| |
365.2052917480469 |
98.15599822998047 |
262 |
0 |
2024-11-01 11:55:21 |
Kanoguti - Fantastic Polygon [Test] |
xrhs| |
362.9233093261719 |
96.2229995727539 |
248 |
1 |
2024-11-01 12:54:04 |
Various Artists - Stream Practice Maps [Shinsekai BPM193] |
xehds|x2.00 |
357.929931640625 |
97.68000030517578 |
630 |
1 |
2024-11-27 07:48:30 |
Aiurabu - Kani*Do-Luck! (TV Size) [Unsei] |
xrh| |
352.0893859863281 |
100.0 |
399 |
0 |
2024-11-04 12:57:15 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack 10 [Defiance] |
xrhs| |
351.4105529785156 |
97.73999786376953 |
258 |
0 |
2024-11-04 12:36:57 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack 8 [Bloodthirsty] |
xh| |
351.3917541503906 |
97.58999633789062 |
381 |
4 |
2024-11-13 13:14:33 |
Ariabl'eyeS - Kegare Naki Bara Juuji (Short Ver.) [The scattered ashes of a thousand memories] |
xh| |
346.1512756347656 |
98.18099975585938 |
729 |
5 |
2024-11-04 12:00:16 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack [King For A Day (feat. Kellin Quinn)] |
xrh| |
340.38446044921875 |
100.0 |
372 |
0 |
2024-11-01 06:14:37 |
Louis Cole - Blimp [??????] |
xh| |
339.8905029296875 |
97.45899963378906 |
313 |
5 |
2024-11-04 13:13:24 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack [Koisuru Chikara (Sped Up Ver.)] |
xh|x1.25 |
339.2223205566406 |
95.7750015258789 |
341 |
3 |
2024-11-10 13:31:41 |
Apollo - Brazil [Plasma's Extra] |
xhdl| |
335.1697082519531 |
97.7770004272461 |
251 |
2 |
2024-11-02 03:28:17 |
Mutsuhiko Izumi - Snow Goose [Sytho's Extra] |
xhd| |
330.396240234375 |
98.875 |
969 |
0 |
2024-11-06 10:38:01 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack 8 [Arrogance] |
xrh| |
330.1935119628906 |
97.95099639892578 |
930 |
4 |
2024-11-14 03:37:57 |
va - jump pack 2 [Bang Bang] |
xh| |
328.4997863769531 |
95.36100006103516 |
549 |
6 |
2024-11-01 06:05:15 |
fieryrage - fieryrage accordion [bruh] |
xrhs| |
322.4647216796875 |
100.0 |
125 |
0 |
2024-11-03 05:32:37 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack 10 [Expert] |
xhd| |
321.1984558105469 |
98.49199676513672 |
447 |
1 |
2024-11-07 09:40:37 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack 10 [Hyperactive] |
xh| |
320.97686767578125 |
99.28600311279297 |
305 |
1 |
2024-11-07 09:41:51 |
Various Artists - jump pack 1 [classic j dies and goes to hell pt. 1] |
xts| |
312.0244140625 |
99.77400207519531 |
375 |
0 |
2024-11-14 03:14:46 |
dj TAKA feat. flare - message [a note from yours truly] |
xh| |
309.9541320800781 |
99.65299987792969 |
1101 |
2 |
2024-11-01 12:28:29 |
-45 - System Zero [Legend of the Golden Witch] |
xehdsl|x2.00 |
308.9570007324219 |
98.24800109863281 |
656 |
6 |
2024-11-27 07:36:33 |
Apollo - Brazil [Fiery's Extreme] |
xrh| |
308.7879333496094 |
98.6259994506836 |
226 |
1 |
2024-11-08 09:18:59 |
Various Artists - pedri Pack [everything will freeze] |
xh| |
308.3938293457031 |
98.31900024414062 |
152 |
0 |
2024-11-04 12:01:40 |
Tsukikage - Spatto! Spy & Spyce [Spice! <- most creative diffname] |
xh| |
307.3780517578125 |
97.98200225830078 |
698 |
5 |
2024-11-14 03:47:32 |
MAKOOTO - Tanuki Chi no Bouken [Peko] |
xhd| |
301.32373046875 |
97.5999984741211 |
320 |
0 |
2024-10-25 06:05:41 |
Logic - Homicide feat. Eminem (Cut Ver.) [Genocide] |
xh| |
301.1670227050781 |
99.28800201416016 |
846 |
0 |
2024-11-01 12:40:44 |
va - farm pack [Forging Towards the Sunset] |
xh| |
300.9573974609375 |
98.4800033569336 |
1763 |
4 |
2024-08-31 15:42:27 |
SEGA / Hidenori Shoji - Banana Shrine [Beginner] |
xh| |
299.8214111328125 |
97.62300109863281 |
470 |
3 |
2024-11-04 12:46:41 |
ulko - sink to the deep sea world x Casa Sola [Sunken EX] |
xrh| |
296.04217529296875 |
99.03800201416016 |
450 |
2 |
2024-11-04 12:13:13 |
Louis Cole - Mean It (feat. Sam Gendel) (Cut Ver.) [SAM] |
xt| |
292.62225341796875 |
97.08399963378906 |
770 |
2 |
2024-11-14 03:57:06 |
MrSpazzaneve17 - The Sounds of rrtyui [Gangsta Reloaded] |
xh| |
290.7298278808594 |
97.48400115966797 |
314 |
4 |
2024-08-31 15:54:15 |
Shin Guard - Kennedy [hard part] |
xrt| |
290.2342834472656 |
95.75199890136719 |
423 |
8 |
2024-11-13 13:30:56 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack 10 [Addiction] |
xrh| |
287.2109069824219 |
99.26899719238281 |
499 |
1 |
2024-11-04 12:35:43 |
The Living Tombstone - I Got No Time [Extra] |
xhd| |
286.271240234375 |
96.74700164794922 |
416 |
7 |
2024-11-27 07:47:08 |
Drop - Granat [Granat] |
xd| |
283.06365966796875 |
96.052001953125 |
298 |
0 |
2024-09-01 12:30:56 |
Modern Baseball - Apartment [Starlit Evenings] |
xrh| |
282.98431396484375 |
98.96499633789062 |
495 |
4 |
2024-11-11 06:30:00 |
Middle Kids - R U 4 Me? (Cut Ver.) [can anyone hear this?] |
xr| |
280.5696105957031 |
98.802001953125 |
318 |
1 |
2024-11-27 08:17:35 |
UNDEAD CORPORATION - The Empress scream off ver. [With This Oath I Will Declare] |
xehdsl| |
275.791748046875 |
98.95600128173828 |
676 |
8 |
2024-11-11 06:09:51 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack 6 [NEGATIVE XP - Disgusted With Myself] |
xh| |
269.78387451171875 |
99.0989990234375 |
204 |
2 |
2024-11-13 13:27:28 |
laura les - Haunted (dive to the heart remix) [SHATTERED] |
xh| |
266.994140625 |
94.71900177001953 |
554 |
2 |
2024-11-26 07:55:02 |
va - farm pack [Sukisuki Zecchoushou (Short Ver.)] |
xh| |
263.4463806152344 |
92.8270034790039 |
446 |
8 |
2024-09-20 23:48:47 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack 9 [Ultra] |
xh| |
257.5054931640625 |
99.56500244140625 |
925 |
3 |
2024-11-04 13:29:59 |
IOSYS - Endless Tewi-ma Park [BoshyMan's Itty Bitty Bunny Hop Special] |
xrh| |
257.3218994140625 |
98.74199676513672 |
865 |
3 |
2024-11-01 12:22:17 |
guna with team kyukkyu - subconsciousness [KILL] |
xhs| |
250.56304931640625 |
97.14399719238281 |
633 |
3 |
2024-11-01 12:46:36 |
Kano - Sukisuki Zecchou Shou [first kiai] |
xh| |
250.1189727783203 |
93.05500030517578 |
116 |
0 |
2024-11-04 05:33:51 |
GLORYHAMMER - Rise Of The Chaos Wizards [Massive Legend] |
xehd|x1.70 |
249.91912841796875 |
98.69200134277344 |
932 |
4 |
2024-11-11 06:25:50 |
Infant Annihilator - Ov Sacrament And Sincest [Sacrifice] |
xrt| |
248.67520141601562 |
97.56300354003906 |
1852 |
18 |
2024-11-13 14:06:18 |
Silver Forest - Yami no Mahou Shoujo [rollpan's Extreme] |
xhdsl| |
247.47976684570312 |
98.62100219726562 |
1281 |
0 |
2024-11-03 05:15:49 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack 6 [The Koxx & Eminem - A FOOL MOON RAP GOD] |
xh| |
245.6128692626953 |
98.28700256347656 |
120 |
3 |
2024-11-04 12:50:35 |
Apollo - Brazil [Kuki's Extra] |
xrhs| |
244.2539825439453 |
98.53399658203125 |
257 |
0 |
2024-11-08 15:38:30 |
t+pazolite - Oshama Scramble! (IOException Edit) [Special] |
xh| |
237.3546600341797 |
91.86499786376953 |
785 |
0 |
2024-11-07 09:32:40 |
Various Artists - Stream Practice Maps [Almagest BPM178] |
xehds|x2.00 |
232.3446044921875 |
98.78299713134766 |
370 |
6 |
2024-11-27 07:49:11 |
Various Artists - Corner Jump Training [Honda Mariko, Tanaka Rie - Mousou Katharsis AR8] |
xeds|x2.00 |
224.34275817871094 |
95.1449966430664 |
76 |
1 |
2024-11-27 07:29:45 |
Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - Shinbatsu o Tadori Kyoukotsu ni Itaru [Shuusa] |
xh|x1.10 |
222.1591033935547 |
98.73200225830078 |
1596 |
2 |
2024-11-14 04:06:04 |
fieryrage - fieryrage accordion [sponny's Fiery Extreme] |
xrhs| |
220.7675323486328 |
100.0 |
124 |
0 |
2024-11-01 12:53:23 |
T+Pazolite - Electric butterfly [Ultra Space Stream Challenge AR9.6] |
xh| |
218.16534423828125 |
98.11599731445312 |
859 |
3 |
2024-11-13 13:36:02 |
5150 - Shinryu Monogatari [Tragic Love Rebirth] |
xrhs| |
217.68174743652344 |
97.01100158691406 |
1513 |
0 |
2024-11-07 05:20:49 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack 9 [Expert] |
xhd| |
212.86476135253906 |
86.38200378417969 |
289 |
2 |
2024-11-13 13:44:23 |
Sakuzyo - rePrologue [296bpm 11* Jumps ver1] |
xrt| |
207.94667053222656 |
95.69100189208984 |
66 |
3 |
2024-11-01 05:25:08 |
FictionJunction ft. Yuki Kajiura - Credens Justitiam (Sped Up Ver.) [AR 9.8] |
xh| |
207.31724548339844 |
95.80999755859375 |
884 |
9 |
2024-08-31 13:59:01 |
PUP - Factories (Speed Up Ver.) [Revenge] |
xh| |
206.94741821289062 |
97.0719985961914 |
779 |
12 |
2024-11-04 13:04:06 |
II-L - Asteroid Field of DECAPLETS [X] |
xh| |
202.83290100097656 |
99.04499816894531 |
3222 |
0 |
2024-11-08 15:30:01 |
Aiurabu - Kani*Do-Luck! (TV Size) [ryan's RNG] |
xhd| |
202.54766845703125 |
87.3010025024414 |
217 |
3 |
2024-11-13 13:29:20 |
fool - unkomochi of a lifetime [Corrupt The Cat] |
xh| |
198.6183624267578 |
98.34700012207031 |
615 |
11 |
2024-11-10 13:05:41 |
MAKOOTO - Tanuki Chi no Bouken [Daiyousei's Rabbit Stew] |
xh| |
197.1635284423828 |
99.66100311279297 |
930 |
0 |
2024-10-25 06:04:32 |
xhdsl| |
196.0347442626953 |
99.35800170898438 |
168 |
0 |
2024-11-04 13:08:18 |
fieryrage - fieryrage accordion [Mendozer's Lonely Go] |
xhs| |
195.66563415527344 |
100.0 |
181 |
0 |
2024-11-01 12:52:42 |
Mutsuhiko Izumi - Snow Goose [Cellina's Extra] |
xehd|x1.75 |
193.8473663330078 |
98.24700164794922 |
476 |
0 |
2024-09-01 12:26:55 |
OwataP - Turkish March - Owata \(^o^)/ [<Impossible Mode> 200BPM] |
xrh| |
189.4784393310547 |
98.61399841308594 |
604 |
2 |
2024-11-11 06:04:15 |
Nog - Aether Ritual [Extra] |
xhd| |
184.0777130126953 |
94.41400146484375 |
376 |
0 |
2024-11-11 06:17:07 |
Various Artists - pedri pack 3 [romantic homicide funk] |
xh| |
183.91778564453125 |
97.43499755859375 |
163 |
4 |
2024-11-04 13:23:53 |
Kuki Akumu - Ki ga Kurutta Noise [-Tynamo's Extra] |
xehd|x1.70 |
182.56446838378906 |
97.51499938964844 |
366 |
6 |
2024-09-01 12:24:03 |
Kano - Sukisuki Zecchou Shou [second kiai] |
xh| |
182.01629638671875 |
95.04900360107422 |
73 |
1 |
2024-11-08 09:35:22 |
xrhsv| |
177.40003967285156 |
97.41100311279297 |
164 |
0 |
2024-11-08 15:36:43 |
va - jump pack 4 [Yubi Bouenkyou ~Anime-ban~ vs. Milk Crown on Sonnetica] |
xh| |
175.2732391357422 |
95.3479995727539 |
416 |
13 |
2024-11-07 10:03:56 |
Nyht7 - Pop Cat Beatboxing [Timing] |
xrhid|x2.00 |
170.70594787597656 |
100.0 |
89 |
0 |
2024-11-08 09:36:49 |
TERRA - EDEN [Heaven] |
xdsl| |
169.434814453125 |
96.49400329589844 |
461 |
5 |
2024-11-27 07:39:46 |
Ebanko - Lyoshka [This Song Is About Tragic Love] |
xhd| |
169.11683654785156 |
96.197998046875 |
344 |
3 |
2024-11-11 06:23:04 |
Kanoguti - Fantastic Polygon [Straight] |
xh| |
167.11085510253906 |
96.85700225830078 |
1369 |
28 |
2024-11-01 05:59:00 |
ueotan - Mario Paint (Time Regression Mix for BMS) [NORMAL] |
xhs| |
162.01727294921875 |
98.5 |
861 |
2 |
2024-08-31 13:16:07 |
Various Artists - pedri pack 3 [heather] |
xhd| |
153.6762237548828 |
90.76899719238281 |
148 |
1 |
2024-11-04 13:19:56 |
va - jump pack 4 [Mate Um Bonito Hoje Mesmo!] |
xrhs| |
151.46788024902344 |
93.90699768066406 |
335 |
8 |
2024-11-10 12:47:45 |
SHK - Flight of the Bumblebee (RST Classic) [-Tynamo's Insane] |
xehd|x1.60 |
148.8741455078125 |
98.05000305175781 |
401 |
0 |
2024-08-31 16:29:11 |
glaive - astrid (nolanLMOA's "Balls n' Bass" Bootleg) [Witow08's Ultra] |
xh| |
148.31039428710938 |
94.427001953125 |
752 |
12 |
2024-11-07 09:18:00 |
va - farm pack [Highscore (Speed Up Ver.)] |
xh| |
147.8499298095703 |
95.60700225830078 |
573 |
18 |
2024-09-20 23:52:37 |
bo en - My Time [Cripple] |
xehd|x1.20 |
145.45965576171875 |
94.62200164794922 |
330 |
14 |
2024-08-31 15:58:17 |
DJ Noriken - Stargazer feat. YUC'e (PSYQUI Remix) [Starg-Azer isn't so great? Are you kidding me?] |
xh| |
139.96180725097656 |
99.01100158691406 |
1409 |
0 |
2024-11-10 12:57:16 |
Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship - Niconiconi [For babies] |
xhdl| |
139.91940307617188 |
99.55000305175781 |
1129 |
0 |
2024-11-01 12:57:22 |
Various Artists - Corner Jump Training [Honda Mariko, Tanaka Rie - Mousou Katharsis] |
xed|x2.00 |
136.11907958984375 |
93.85099792480469 |
52 |
3 |
2024-11-27 07:28:10 |
xhdsl| |
134.18167114257812 |
95.0 |
80 |
2 |
2024-11-04 13:07:43 |
IOSYS - Cirno no Perfect Sansuu Kyoushitsu [Perfect Freeze] |
xhd| |
132.521240234375 |
97.61199951171875 |
283 |
5 |
2024-11-06 10:50:08 |
Morimori Atsushi - Paradigm Shift [Extra] |
xh| |
131.33856201171875 |
95.73699951171875 |
426 |
10 |
2024-11-26 07:32:01 |
Camellia - Xeroa [Muya's VIVID+] |
xrh| |
127.41967010498047 |
95.3270034790039 |
481 |
16 |
2024-11-10 13:47:46 |
va - farm pack [Hidamari no Uta] |
xehd|x1.55 |
118.82398223876953 |
96.1240005493164 |
457 |
1 |
2024-08-31 13:54:33 |
Nyht7 - Pop Cat Beatboxing [Stream - Hard] |
xh| |
117.7940673828125 |
100.0 |
89 |
0 |
2024-11-04 13:32:43 |
Kashii Moimi feat. KAFU - Cat loving (covered by Kotoha) [tu prends ta hd2 (covered by Kotoha)] |
xhdl| |
111.95521545410156 |
99.10600280761719 |
442 |
4 |
2024-11-01 06:09:00 |
Bossfight - Milky Ways [Extreme] |
xh| |
111.11317443847656 |
92.17500305175781 |
406 |
10 |
2024-11-26 07:42:07 |
Various Artists - Hashire Uma Musume (Cut Ver.) [doki doki~] |
xrh|x0.90 |
106.77811431884766 |
93.4540023803711 |
157 |
14 |
2024-11-10 12:52:15 |
Various Artists - pedri pack 3 [talent shredder] |
xh|x0.85 |
103.92556762695312 |
93.87999725341797 |
96 |
4 |
2024-10-25 05:38:49 |
Sta - Conway's Child [None & IB's Spherical - 1/3Part] |
xh| |
102.12387084960938 |
93.11699676513672 |
175 |
9 |
2024-11-07 09:56:26 |
FRASER EDWARDS - The Haymaker [Insane] |
xehds|x1.80 |
98.59750366210938 |
97.07099914550781 |
523 |
10 |
2024-11-04 13:36:07 |
Streetlight Manifesto - Everything Went Numb [Extreme] |
xhdl| |
96.6199951171875 |
96.52400207519531 |
247 |
5 |
2024-10-25 05:52:57 |
Satapan P feat. Hatsune Miku, Kasane Teto, Zundamon - YABABAINA [Teto] |
xes| |
88.69004821777344 |
96.74500274658203 |
628 |
16 |
2024-11-27 07:23:02 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack 6 [Jeff Williams - Time to Say Goodbye (feat. Casey Lee Williams)] |
xh| |
87.56178283691406 |
95.00599670410156 |
105 |
10 |
2024-11-04 12:51:33 |
BULANOVA - NE PLACH' [Don't cry] |
xed| |
84.69053649902344 |
92.1240005493164 |
305 |
6 |
2024-08-31 14:37:49 |
mitsukiyo & Lee Jin-ah - Target For Love (Ludicin's Hardcore Bootleg) [Honed In] |
xhdl| |
80.50955963134766 |
96.27899932861328 |
701 |
8 |
2024-11-13 13:51:08 |
Renard - Da Nu Nuttah [Nogard] |
xed| |
76.75936126708984 |
97.71199798583984 |
499 |
3 |
2024-09-01 12:34:39 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack 9 [diff4title] |
xrhids|x2.00 |
75.67232513427734 |
100.0 |
1 |
0 |
2024-11-01 12:48:31 |
Ludicin - Onus Regulus [The Burden Of Regulus] |
xh|x0.95 |
67.12916564941406 |
96.4739990234375 |
425 |
15 |
2024-11-04 12:21:02 |
Kano - Sukisuki Zecchou Shou [final jumps] |
x| |
62.529300689697266 |
76.13099670410156 |
147 |
9 |
2024-10-25 05:44:39 |
Aoki Chihiro - Kodou [EX] |
xh| |
61.9437370300293 |
89.875 |
257 |
17 |
2024-10-25 05:56:07 |
Various Artists - Jump Pack 8 [Difficulty For Title] |
xrhid|x2.00 |
60.493064880371094 |
100.0 |
1 |
0 |
2024-11-14 03:30:42 |
va - jump pack 4 [Khalas] |
xrh| |
56.898834228515625 |
94.13400268554688 |
325 |
24 |
2024-11-11 06:08:07 |
Nyht7 - Pop Cat Beatboxing [Stream - Easy] |
xrhdsl| |
56.878902435302734 |
97.56500244140625 |
89 |
0 |
2024-11-08 09:39:03 |
Nyht7 - Pop Cat Beatboxing [Stream - Jump] |
xh| |
54.065635681152344 |
78.6510009765625 |
37 |
4 |
2024-11-04 13:32:27 |
Aiurabu - Kani*Do-Luck! (TV Size) [Monochromatic] |
xi| |
52.24187469482422 |
93.05999755859375 |
134 |
9 |
2024-11-26 07:51:32 |
Silver Forest - Tsurupettan (Game Ver.) [BoshyMan's Phantasm] |
xh| |
48.83069610595703 |
92.75599670410156 |
393 |
10 |
2024-11-26 07:47:07 |
BULANOVA - NE PLACH' [kiwies' Extreme] |
xhd| |
40.61000061035156 |
80.08799743652344 |
199 |
7 |
2024-08-31 14:03:52 |
jioyi attacked by mirror - I lost my flp [TODO] |
xrhsv| |
20.39225196838379 |
100.0 |
32 |
0 |
2024-11-08 09:28:00 |
NEKO HACKER - People People feat. Nanahira (Cut Ver.) [AR8 People] |
xh| |
20.19036102294922 |
94.44400024414062 |
277 |
28 |
2024-11-27 08:10:41 |
va - jump pack 3 [Fushoku Ressentiment] |
xh| |
17.647140502929688 |
87.75800323486328 |
207 |
24 |
2024-11-07 10:07:53 |
Nyht7 - Pop Cat Beatboxing [Jump - TouchScreen:Random1] |
xht| |
13.451045036315918 |
86.89099884033203 |
29 |
10 |
2024-11-08 15:56:47 |
HIMEHINA - Hitogata [Part1] |
xh| |
12.830037117004395 |
81.72599792480469 |
59 |
11 |
2024-08-31 14:09:19 |
Elmo and Cookie Monster - Cookie-Butter-Choco-Cookie [Properly mapped Extreme] |
xh| |
9.330621719360352 |
88.71600341796875 |
94 |
21 |
2024-11-08 15:55:55 |
mitsukiyo & Lee Jin-ah - Target For Love (Ludicin's Hardcore Bootleg) [Honed In (ar 9.3)] |
xhd| |
7.300663948059082 |
83.39199829101562 |
253 |
29 |
2024-11-13 13:49:02 |
-45 - EXILE [ERROR] |
xt| |
2.207010507583618 |
94.05500030517578 |
412 |
64 |
2024-08-31 14:13:20 |
Various Artists - jump pack 1 [glass beach] |
xrts| |
1.3855252265930176 |
86.88700103759766 |
255 |
66 |
2024-11-13 14:10:22 |
jioyi attacked by mirror - I lost my flp [I lost my pp] |
xt| |
0.5455629825592041 |
83.84200286865234 |
75 |
25 |
2024-11-14 03:58:17 |
Kucchi vs. Akki - Yakumo >>JOINT STRUGGLE [TAG4] |
xes| |
0.27886196970939636 |
87.27200317382812 |
348 |
72 |
2024-11-04 12:10:20 |
Sta - Conway's Child [None & IB's Spherical] |
xh| |
0.04770217463374138 |
79.23600006103516 |
221 |
149 |
2024-11-07 10:00:26 |
Sta - Conway's Child [DROID MASTER] |
xh| |
0.019433518871665 |
77.51100158691406 |
202 |
164 |
2024-11-13 13:54:57 |
Sta - Conway's Child [None & IB's Spherical - kiai1] |
xh| |
0.0014204324688762426 |
70.77200317382812 |
33 |
43 |
2024-11-07 09:57:11 |
va - jump pack 2 [Los! Los! Los!] |
xh|AR9.5 |
0.0 |
96.80899810791016 |
702 |
2 |
2024-09-21 00:03:51 |
va - jump pack 3 [Rockefeller Street] |
xrs|x0.50|AR9.0 |
0.0 |
97.76399993896484 |
438 |
4 |
2024-09-19 23:42:14 |
SHK - Flight of the Bumblebee (RST Classic) [Cellina's Extra] |
xrhd|AR8.0 |
0.0 |
97.54100036621094 |
750 |
0 |
2024-09-19 23:55:35 |
Various Artists - Corner Jump Training [DM Ashura - deltaMAX] |
prh|x1.30 |
0.0 |
70.75399780273438 |
395 |
23 |
2024-11-24 11:09:38 |
LeaF - M.O.P.E-333 [333Jump] |
prh| |
0.0 |
98.47000122070312 |
144 |
1 |
2024-11-26 07:49:26 |
va - jump pack 3 [DeltaMAX] |
prh|x1.30 |
0.0 |
84.28800201416016 |
471 |
0 |
2024-11-26 08:21:37 |
xi - Blue Zenith (Cut Ver.) [Sytho's Extra] |
xhd|AR8.0 |
0.0 |
97.4020004272461 |
938 |
0 |
2024-09-19 23:58:32 |
BULANOVA - NE PLACH' [Soul in Agony; A Terrifying Cacophony of Cries and Screams] |
xhd|AR9.0 |
0.0 |
97.08399963378906 |
329 |
6 |
2024-09-20 16:51:54 |
Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - Jashin no Konrei, Gi wa Ai to Shiru. [Zetsubou no Hana] |
xhs|AR8.0 |
0.0 |
97.10600280761719 |
926 |
8 |
2024-09-20 23:37:08 |
07th Expansion - rog-unlimitation [AngelHoney] |
xhd|AR8.0 |
0.0 |
97.37200164794922 |
850 |
0 |
2024-09-19 23:54:25 |
paraoka feat. Acme Iku - chaosmaid (demo) [Expert] |
xhd|AR8.0 |
0.0 |
93.80699920654297 |
383 |
11 |
2024-09-20 23:55:51 |
IOSYS - Endless Tewi-ma Park [Bloxi's Fluffy Lunatic] |
xrhds|AR8.0 |
0.0 |
97.8550033569336 |
685 |
0 |
2024-09-20 23:40:57 |
Septic Karnage - Ninja Gangbang [wree] |
xh|AR8.0 |
0.0 |
98.46199798583984 |
720 |
0 |
2024-09-21 22:36:02 |
kuroma - Pon-Pon-Pompoko Dai-Sen-Saw! [13* Jump] |
ph| |
0.0 |
60.430999755859375 |
118 |
10 |
2024-11-01 06:00:40 |
pht| |
0.0 |
79.00499725341797 |
219 |
0 |
2024-11-01 06:50:29 |
John Powell, John Thor Birgisson, J?nsi - Where No One Goes (Short Ver.) [The Edge] |
xhs|AR9.0 |
0.0 |
96.0510025024414 |
739 |
0 |
2024-09-20 23:45:13 |