paraoka feat. haru*nya - Rampage [Kawabunga!] |
xrh|x1.20 |
656.9882202148438 |
91.23300170898438 |
317 |
6 |
2024-11-10 10:48:17 |
MAXIMUM THE HORMONE - ChuChu Lovely MuniMuni MuraMura PrinPrin Boron Nururu ReroRero (Chiptune Cover) [Reform's Extreme] |
xh|x1.45 |
651.7913818359375 |
97.1259994506836 |
424 |
1 |
2024-10-05 11:07:48 |
xi - over the top [interstellar dimensions] |
xhd| |
639.0194702148438 |
98.5479965209961 |
1213 |
0 |
2024-09-14 13:47:40 |
S3RL - Bass Slut (Original Mix) [Intense Ecstasy] |
xhd| |
625.9965209960938 |
97.71499633789062 |
506 |
1 |
2024-09-27 09:30:27 |
Poppin'Party - KIZUNA MUSIC [Trust] |
xhc| |
582.1447143554688 |
99.21700286865234 |
1865 |
0 |
2024-09-03 10:24:53 |
TRUE - Storyteller [Beyond] |
xhc| |
551.5215454101562 |
98.66600036621094 |
1537 |
0 |
2024-08-30 10:00:38 |
Twilight Force - Dawn of the Dragonstar [Maki's Expert] |
xhc|x1.15 |
539.1427612304688 |
99.78600311279297 |
2101 |
0 |
2024-09-17 13:20:28 |
toby fox - Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans [Reform's Extra] |
xhd| |
532.9996337890625 |
98.94999694824219 |
411 |
0 |
2024-11-06 03:31:08 |
kessoku band - Guitar to Kodoku to Aoi Hoshi [Akitoshi's Extreme] |
xhc| |
530.4468383789062 |
99.72100067138672 |
1299 |
0 |
2024-09-02 02:38:58 |
TEARS OF TRAGEDY - Epitaph [Elegy] |
xh|x1.30 |
529.2130737304688 |
99.69200134277344 |
2900 |
0 |
2024-09-02 07:00:52 |
Twilight Force - Valley of the Vale [Nymphuwua's Expert Collab] |
xhc|x1.05 |
527.7481079101562 |
99.55999755859375 |
2092 |
0 |
2024-09-05 00:30:07 |
toby fox - Metal Crusher [It's Showtime!] |
xhd| |
511.2853088378906 |
97.38300323486328 |
375 |
1 |
2024-08-29 11:37:58 |
xhd| |
507.15191650390625 |
99.04000091552734 |
2315 |
2 |
2024-11-07 03:12:13 |
DECO*27 - First Storm feat. Hatsune Miku [my Drops of Tears I'll turn to Sparks of Fire] |
xhd| |
504.6436767578125 |
99.73699951171875 |
1356 |
0 |
2024-09-02 13:58:29 |
SHK - Flight of the Bumblebee (RST Classic) [Challenge] |
xhd| |
502.78179931640625 |
97.33399963378906 |
753 |
0 |
2024-09-03 10:12:56 |
yuikonnu - Yume Chizu [Dream] |
xrhcsl|x1.10 |
495.9315185546875 |
99.82499694824219 |
523 |
0 |
2024-11-10 09:09:48 |
toby fox - Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans [Tylerderp's Extra] |
xhds| |
490.0630187988281 |
99.26699829101562 |
416 |
0 |
2024-11-09 04:31:03 |
Krewella - Say Goodbye (Nightcore & Cut Ver.) [Sotarks' Extreme] |
xhd| |
481.94256591796875 |
99.7239990234375 |
351 |
0 |
2024-10-28 05:46:33 |
SHK - Flight of the Bumblebee (RST Classic) [Luscent's Extra] |
xhd|x1.20 |
475.7314453125 |
98.05500030517578 |
672 |
0 |
2024-09-04 11:33:07 |
Sasaki Sayaka - Unravel Sky [Kill Confirmed] |
xhd| |
475.4061279296875 |
97.31600189208984 |
630 |
4 |
2024-10-13 09:41:06 |
ONE OK ROCK - Start Again [Sotarks' Repetition] |
xhc|x1.05 |
473.052490234375 |
99.2750015258789 |
505 |
2 |
2024-10-21 12:18:40 |
THE ORAL CIGARETTES - GET BACK [Sotarks' Cataclysm] |
xhc| |
472.76495361328125 |
97.34300231933594 |
619 |
0 |
2024-08-30 10:07:28 |
Mutsuhiko Izumi - Snow Goose [Sytho's Extra] |
xrhdsl|x1.15 |
472.63018798828125 |
99.35700225830078 |
967 |
0 |
2024-11-09 04:10:32 |
AKI AKANE - FIRST [Saut's Extra] |
xhc| |
459.3711853027344 |
99.75499725341797 |
1138 |
0 |
2024-11-09 11:43:51 |
Koji Kondo - Slider [FREEDOM DiVE] |
xhd| |
454.4742736816406 |
98.89199829101562 |
1421 |
0 |
2024-08-29 13:44:57 |
Apollo - Brazil [Atomic Scope] |
xr| |
454.1032409667969 |
96.0780029296875 |
257 |
0 |
2024-10-28 01:47:37 |
wuk - Black Rover [--Xer0--'s Extra] |
xhd| |
452.8808898925781 |
98.77300262451172 |
231 |
0 |
2024-09-04 02:43:45 |
supercell - Hero [Sotarks' Wish] |
xhc|x1.05 |
448.3902893066406 |
96.31900024414062 |
481 |
0 |
2024-08-31 05:11:32 |
Kawada Mami - u/n (Cut Ver.) [Fiery's Extreme] |
xhc| |
445.22918701171875 |
99.08000183105469 |
440 |
0 |
2024-10-28 01:51:49 |
Various Artists - Songs Compilation IV [Marathon] |
xhc| |
440.759033203125 |
99.62100219726562 |
2104 |
1 |
2024-10-22 13:40:33 |
Aiurabu - Kani*Do-Luck! (TV Size) [A I U R A !] |
xhd| |
440.3263244628906 |
97.95600128173828 |
382 |
2 |
2024-09-27 09:38:57 |
Nanahira - Chikatto Chika Chika [Sotarks' 1+2 IQ] |
xrhdl|x1.10 |
438.8223571777344 |
99.76599884033203 |
411 |
0 |
2024-11-10 06:38:32 |
Apollo - Brazil [Kuki's Extra] |
xhds| |
435.61767578125 |
95.14600372314453 |
255 |
2 |
2024-11-10 09:04:30 |
Bring Me The Horizon - Kingslayer (feat. BABYMETAL) [SYSTEM FAILURE] |
xhd| |
434.18353271484375 |
99.6760025024414 |
831 |
1 |
2024-11-10 06:08:57 |
Agnete Kjolsrud - Get Jinxed [Mismagius' Challenger] |
xhd| |
425.4679260253906 |
98.1709976196289 |
603 |
2 |
2024-09-02 14:19:44 |
Set It Off - Horrible Kids [Kuki's Extra] |
xrhcsl|x1.15 |
424.578369140625 |
99.14099884033203 |
315 |
0 |
2024-11-10 08:58:16 |
Iguchi Yuka - RE-ILLUSION (TV Size) [Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Crysisters in a Dungeon?] |
xhc| |
422.9317626953125 |
99.48899841308594 |
566 |
0 |
2024-09-22 04:36:38 |
Demetori - Necrofantasia ~ Remix [Youkai of Boundaries] |
xhd|x1.05 |
422.9058532714844 |
99.14900207519531 |
3004 |
0 |
2024-11-07 03:49:26 |
Shoji Meguro - Kimi no Kioku (Aethral Remix) [Remembrance] |
xhd|x1.10 |
422.3101806640625 |
98.88600158691406 |
2257 |
0 |
2024-10-18 13:05:32 |
ViViD - HIKARI (TV Size) [browiec's Wisdom] |
xhc| |
419.8857421875 |
98.98400115966797 |
544 |
1 |
2024-09-23 09:01:01 |
Tia - Heart Realize [Eternity] |
xhd| |
418.9770202636719 |
99.70700073242188 |
1340 |
0 |
2024-10-28 01:59:02 |
xhc| |
417.4778137207031 |
98.34700012207031 |
1206 |
1 |
2024-09-12 01:28:06 |
Sasaki Sayaka - Marine Blue ni Sotte [Serenade] |
xhc| |
416.90594482421875 |
99.29199981689453 |
1272 |
0 |
2024-10-13 09:45:47 |
Norman J. Grossfeld, Russell Velazquez - Gotta Go Fast (TV Size) [EXPERT] |
xhd| |
413.4971008300781 |
97.80500030517578 |
428 |
2 |
2024-09-14 09:56:25 |
DM DOKURO - SAVE (Encore) [Extreme] |
xhd| |
412.819091796875 |
99.4520034790039 |
522 |
0 |
2024-09-05 00:50:16 |
Amatsuki - Nagareboshi [Starlight] |
xhd| |
412.12567138671875 |
99.14800262451172 |
1805 |
1 |
2024-10-31 02:11:53 |
Kano - Sakura no Zenya [Petals] |
xhc| |
411.4356689453125 |
99.74800109863281 |
1873 |
0 |
2024-10-31 02:19:26 |
Will Stetson - Snow Halation (feat. BeasttrollMC) [Gift] |
xrhd| |
411.2821044921875 |
94.6760025024414 |
521 |
4 |
2024-09-26 08:47:01 |
xi - Ascension to Heaven [FINAL DIMENSION] |
xhd| |
410.52435302734375 |
99.66999816894531 |
1322 |
0 |
2024-09-04 09:51:47 |
KISIDA KYODAN & THE AKEBOSI ROCKETS - Colorful (Cut Ver.) [Sotarks' Colorful Underworld] |
xhc| |
409.91278076171875 |
98.45700073242188 |
491 |
2 |
2024-09-06 02:58:25 |
Icon For Hire - Make a Move (Speed Up Ver.) [Endless Fear] |
xhc| |
408.4924621582031 |
98.38099670410156 |
255 |
2 |
2024-10-04 09:24:18 |
Feint - Tower Of Heaven (You Are Slaves) (Cut Ver.) [Acme] |
xhd|x1.15 |
408.44891357421875 |
97.58699798583984 |
621 |
0 |
2024-09-30 02:35:29 |
Koda Kumi - Guess Who Is Back (TV Size) [Fiery's Extreme] |
xhc| |
407.7322998046875 |
98.67900085449219 |
549 |
0 |
2024-10-21 12:05:35 |
Krewella - Say Goodbye (Nightcore & Cut Ver.) [Broken Promises] |
xhd| |
406.856201171875 |
98.85399627685547 |
291 |
1 |
2024-10-28 05:42:27 |
Nogizaka46 - Yubi Bouenkyou [Sotarks' New Adventure] |
xc| |
406.7960205078125 |
98.07099914550781 |
747 |
0 |
2024-10-21 12:08:24 |
Vulpecula - Crystallite Dream [In Heartache's Profound Love] |
xhc| |
406.61492919921875 |
98.55000305175781 |
1964 |
0 |
2024-08-31 10:48:52 |
Kawada Mami - No buts! [Level 6] |
xhd| |
404.0281982421875 |
99.47000122070312 |
1440 |
0 |
2024-09-02 02:29:25 |
THE ORAL CIGARETTES - Monster Effect [Extreme] |
xhc| |
403.71063232421875 |
99.25900268554688 |
612 |
1 |
2024-08-29 12:47:01 |
kradness&Reol - Remote Control [Max Control!] |
xhd| |
397.1802062988281 |
99.3030014038086 |
1774 |
0 |
2024-08-29 13:24:22 |
toby fox - Last Goodbye [Fiery's Extra] |
xhd| |
397.0643615722656 |
98.21399688720703 |
394 |
2 |
2024-08-31 11:22:02 |
toby fox - Last Goodbye [Fatfan's SAVE (Encore)] |
xhd| |
396.93353271484375 |
96.18599700927734 |
294 |
3 |
2024-10-30 05:39:58 |
Turbo - PADORU / PADORU [Gift] |
xhd| |
393.781494140625 |
98.63899993896484 |
192 |
0 |
2024-09-03 01:36:33 |
Wire - Brazil [Kuki's Extra] |
xhd| |
392.8506774902344 |
96.82099914550781 |
265 |
0 |
2024-08-31 04:42:02 |
Mio Yamazaki - Noise (English ver.) [Extreme] |
xhc| |
390.82574462890625 |
97.68900299072266 |
438 |
3 |
2024-09-04 09:46:56 |
Oomori Seiko - JUSTadICE (TV Size) [Extreme] |
xhc| |
390.7865905761719 |
98.78199768066406 |
527 |
1 |
2024-10-22 13:48:18 |
Hommarju feat. Latte - masterpiece [Insane] |
xrhdl|x1.20 |
389.7348937988281 |
99.13800048828125 |
872 |
0 |
2024-10-19 05:35:43 |
Yuyoyuppe - -ELIS- [Extreme] |
xhd| |
389.027587890625 |
98.33699798583984 |
1212 |
1 |
2024-08-31 04:47:37 |
Kuki Akumu - Ki ga Kurutta Noise [Emotion] |
xrhdsl|x1.10 |
386.95489501953125 |
99.64600372314453 |
1250 |
0 |
2024-11-10 08:32:08 |
Victorius - Twilight Skies [Born to Conquer the Universe] |
xhc| |
385.6954650878906 |
99.26499938964844 |
2442 |
1 |
2024-11-10 08:11:27 |
Will Stetson - First Storm -Japanese Version- [thanks for singing Brother] |
xhd| |
384.8293762207031 |
98.802001953125 |
1247 |
1 |
2024-09-02 02:21:53 |
Hoshimachi Suisei - Ranbu no Melody (Cut Ver.) [Mugetsu] |
xhd| |
384.7884826660156 |
99.80799865722656 |
607 |
1 |
2024-08-29 13:48:37 |
Kano - Stella-rium [Celestial] |
xhd| |
382.4676513671875 |
99.5459976196289 |
1014 |
2 |
2024-10-09 13:38:20 |
Wakeshima Kanon - Not For Sale Fossil [Frail] |
xhc| |
381.27630615234375 |
99.29199981689453 |
1369 |
1 |
2024-10-01 13:18:31 |
YURiKA - Shiny Ray (TV Size) [Sotarks' Extra: Phasansheer Shearylla] |
xhd| |
380.420654296875 |
98.34200286865234 |
483 |
0 |
2024-08-30 02:58:43 |
Krewella - Say Goodbye (Nightcore & Cut Ver.) [Fiery's Extreme] |
xhd| |
379.2926330566406 |
99.06600189208984 |
269 |
1 |
2024-10-28 05:45:31 |
Hoshimachi Suisei - TALALALALALALALALALALALAAAAA LALAAAAAAAAAAAAA [Mahiru's Sounds Piercing The Heavenly Skies] |
xhd|x1.10 |
379.00799560546875 |
92.6500015258789 |
279 |
1 |
2024-09-15 04:11:05 |
dj TAKA - quaver [NiNo's Extra] |
xhd| |
378.508056640625 |
99.5999984741211 |
417 |
0 |
2024-09-03 01:31:35 |
VINXIS - Sidetracked Day [Infinity Inside] |
xhc| |
377.8262023925781 |
99.8219985961914 |
1896 |
1 |
2024-09-14 13:16:20 |
TERRA - EDEN [Heaven] |
xhc| |
370.67071533203125 |
98.1240005493164 |
517 |
4 |
2024-09-23 14:00:54 |
Dragon Guardian - Tenkai e no Kippu [Our Ascension to Heaven] |
xhd| |
370.40423583984375 |
99.69300079345703 |
3233 |
0 |
2024-09-06 09:06:32 |
Amatsuki - Letters to me [Endless Journey] |
xhc| |
369.666259765625 |
98.3740005493164 |
964 |
2 |
2024-11-01 01:31:55 |
*namirin - Koi no Hime Hime Pettanko [Taeyang's Ultra Princess] |
xhd|x1.05 |
367.2107849121094 |
98.21700286865234 |
519 |
0 |
2024-11-07 03:14:45 |
kessoku band - Guitar to Kodoku to Aoi Hoshi (TV Size) [Reform's Extreme] |
xhc| |
366.69921875 |
99.83300018310547 |
557 |
0 |
2024-10-28 01:25:07 |
Inugami Korone & Nekomata Okayu - Hyadain's Jojo Yujo [Korone] |
xhc| |
366.3503112792969 |
99.00900268554688 |
1076 |
1 |
2024-10-05 10:28:54 |
dj TAKA - quaver [Fiery's Extra] |
xhc| |
365.5112609863281 |
97.24500274658203 |
412 |
1 |
2024-09-03 01:28:03 |
the peggies - Kimi no Sei (TV Size) [Extra] |
xhd|x1.05 |
363.28668212890625 |
99.81199645996094 |
479 |
0 |
2024-09-14 08:16:43 |
Little Glee Monster - Dakara, Hitori ja Nai (TV Size) [Happiness] |
xrhd| |
362.2049865722656 |
95.0459976196289 |
402 |
2 |
2024-09-21 07:53:39 |
SHK - Flight of the Bumblebee (RST Classic) [Professional] |
xhd| |
361.8378601074219 |
98.87999725341797 |
752 |
1 |
2024-09-03 10:11:07 |
Hikasa Youko, Uchida Maaya, Taketatsu Ayana, Akesaka Satomi - Gokujo. no Jouken (TV Size) [Overflowing Emotions] |
xhd| |
361.7305908203125 |
100.0 |
175 |
0 |
2024-10-05 06:51:58 |
Seiryu - BLUE DRAGON [Blue Dragon] |
xhc| |
359.82720947265625 |
96.24099731445312 |
522 |
5 |
2024-08-30 10:15:10 |
Machico - Growing Up (TV Size) [O'crucible which melts my Soul, scream forth from the depths of the Abyss!] |
xc| |
358.9501037597656 |
94.03199768066406 |
479 |
1 |
2024-08-31 10:51:22 |
Rika (CV: Tamura Yukari) & Satoko (CV: Kanai Mika) & Hanyuu (CV: Horie Yui) - Happy! Lucky! Dochy! (TV Size) [1-2-3] |
xhd| |
358.86773681640625 |
96.25800323486328 |
339 |
4 |
2024-10-14 05:39:42 |
Hikasa Youko, Uchida Maaya, Taketatsu Ayana, Akesaka Satomi - Gokujo. no Jouken (TV Size) [Extreme] |
xhd| |
356.7608947753906 |
99.51599884033203 |
173 |
0 |
2024-10-05 06:54:06 |
Bowling For Soup - Today is Gonna be a Great Day (TV Size) [Turtle Unicorn] |
xrhd| |
355.37823486328125 |
92.55899810791016 |
180 |
2 |
2024-09-18 12:09:08 |
Hazuki - Legend of Millennium [BMD's Expert] |
xhc| |
354.4538879394531 |
98.44499969482422 |
733 |
1 |
2024-10-22 01:08:22 |
Our Stolen Theory - United (L.A.O.S Remix) [Eternity] |
xhd| |
354.2197570800781 |
99.02999877929688 |
2354 |
0 |
2024-08-31 04:26:19 |
nano - Star light, Star bright (TV Size) [Destiny] |
xhc| |
354.0729064941406 |
97.8550033569336 |
464 |
1 |
2024-10-29 10:00:34 |
ClariS - Hitorigoto -TV MIX- [Soliloquy] |
xhd|x1.20 |
353.81207275390625 |
98.43099975585938 |
413 |
0 |
2024-09-30 02:40:33 |
Amatsuki - STARTRAiN [Don't Stop!] |
xhd| |
352.2193603515625 |
99.83100128173828 |
538 |
0 |
2024-10-31 14:37:45 |
AliA - Kakurenbo [Ready, Set, Go!] |
xhd| |
351.7960510253906 |
99.11599731445312 |
1058 |
2 |
2024-10-10 13:02:58 |
Mrs. GREEN APPLE - Inferno (TV Size) [Adolla Burst] |
xhc| |
351.4895935058594 |
99.46600341796875 |
382 |
2 |
2024-08-29 13:11:56 |
Will Stetson - Harumachi Clover (Swing Arrangement) [Dictate Edit] [Oh no!] |
xrhd| |
350.6715393066406 |
94.25199890136719 |
151 |
0 |
2024-09-12 03:10:12 |
Kanon Wakeshima - Tsukinami [Fragile] |
xhc| |
349.6881103515625 |
99.62100219726562 |
724 |
0 |
2024-08-30 16:08:27 |
xi - Glorious Crown [FOUR DIMENSIONS] |
xh|x1.30 |
349.478759765625 |
99.30799865722656 |
943 |
2 |
2024-09-13 13:25:34 |
Hana - Sakura no Uta [The Happy Prince] |
xhc| |
348.10589599609375 |
98.42400360107422 |
1345 |
6 |
2024-10-31 02:23:11 |
TRUE - DREAM SOLISTER [Fortissimo] |
xhd| |
347.679443359375 |
99.08300018310547 |
1241 |
4 |
2024-10-13 05:04:02 |
Roselia - Sing Alive [From an Undying Flower, Always by Your Side] |
xhd| |
347.3262939453125 |
98.15699768066406 |
857 |
8 |
2024-10-18 09:41:31 |
Fred V - Already Disappeared [Irreplaceable] |
xhc|x1.05 |
346.8963928222656 |
99.6259994506836 |
1558 |
0 |
2024-10-17 09:23:07 |
Pastel*Palettes - Harumodoki [Romance] |
xhc| |
346.1695861816406 |
99.19100189208984 |
642 |
0 |
2024-10-18 09:59:21 |
saradisk - 083 - nekomimi [Nya Nya] |
xhd| |
345.3424072265625 |
99.40799713134766 |
556 |
0 |
2024-09-26 07:05:07 |
TrySail - Utsuroi (Short Ver.) [Misunderstanding] |
xhc| |
342.8391418457031 |
97.96399688720703 |
393 |
4 |
2024-09-13 10:32:55 |
THE ORAL CIGARETTES - Mou Ii kai? [Nevo's Rain] |
xhc| |
342.2333984375 |
98.87200164794922 |
889 |
2 |
2024-09-07 10:19:02 |
UNDEAD CORPORATION - Everything will freeze [Time Freeze] |
xrhdl| |
341.7684631347656 |
98.94100189208984 |
1336 |
6 |
2024-11-08 07:12:57 |
Hana - Sakura no Uta [Euphoria] |
xhd| |
341.395263671875 |
99.83899688720703 |
1230 |
0 |
2024-09-14 07:26:32 |
Oomori Seiko - JUSTadICE (TV Size) [Taeyang's Extreme] |
xhc| |
338.0235900878906 |
98.60399627685547 |
545 |
1 |
2024-10-22 13:46:04 |
THE ORAL CIGARETTES - Kyouran Hey Kids!! [God of Speed] |
xhd| |
337.6974792480469 |
99.6719970703125 |
1662 |
0 |
2024-09-18 05:43:03 |
Komiya Mao - (can you) understand me? [uhh?] |
xhd|x1.15 |
336.1614074707031 |
97.21299743652344 |
405 |
2 |
2024-10-15 05:28:30 |
Ayase Rie - Yuima-ru*World TVver. [Ultimate] |
xd| |
334.5150451660156 |
97.83300018310547 |
237 |
1 |
2024-09-04 09:39:59 |
nonet - Now On Stage!! [Extra] |
xhd| |
334.02142333984375 |
99.23799896240234 |
616 |
0 |
2024-08-29 11:04:16 |
SPYAIR - Imagination (TV Size) [Ambition] |
xhc| |
333.27099609375 |
99.29900360107422 |
285 |
1 |
2024-09-15 04:01:04 |
FROZEN QUALIA - M'aider [Wish] |
xhc| |
332.1699523925781 |
98.3550033569336 |
917 |
3 |
2024-10-09 13:28:48 |
LADYBABY - Nippon Manju [Anime, noodles, idols, icons!] |
xhd| |
331.6362609863281 |
99.78399658203125 |
1948 |
0 |
2024-10-27 12:32:35 |
TRUE - Soundscape [Depths' Symphonic Extreme] |
xhc| |
328.837158203125 |
98.40799713134766 |
544 |
0 |
2024-08-29 13:08:08 |
VINXIS - Sidetracked Day (Short Ver.) [Deflected Journey] |
xhc| |
328.28033447265625 |
97.30400085449219 |
638 |
1 |
2024-11-10 10:39:23 |
Yousei Teikoku - Mischievous of Alice [Divine Guidance] |
xhc| |
328.0442199707031 |
98.86100006103516 |
485 |
1 |
2024-10-31 02:13:33 |
ONE OK ROCK - One by One [Sotarks' Rampage] |
xrcl| |
327.7185363769531 |
99.13099670410156 |
536 |
0 |
2024-09-26 10:58:07 |
Parry Gripp - Guinea Pig Bridge [Guinea Pig Technology] |
xrhdsl|x1.10 |
326.7589416503906 |
98.73400115966797 |
213 |
0 |
2024-11-10 06:53:37 |
PassCode - STARRY SKY [Starfall] |
xhc| |
326.28863525390625 |
99.04100036621094 |
1223 |
2 |
2024-09-02 02:33:13 |
Koda Kumi - Guess Who Is Back (TV Size) [Extreme] |
xrhd| |
324.4389343261719 |
94.37100219726562 |
340 |
8 |
2024-09-26 08:49:34 |
Demetori - Necrofantasia ~ Remix [Extra Stage] |
xhd| |
322.4444885253906 |
99.70500183105469 |
3135 |
1 |
2024-09-04 13:53:03 |
Mastermind(xi+nora2r) - Dreadnought [Final Destination] |
xhd|x1.05 |
320.20953369140625 |
98.8489990234375 |
880 |
2 |
2024-09-04 10:26:41 |
MIMI vs. Leah Kate - 10 Things I Hate About Ai no Sukima [Mommy's Radiance] |
xrhc| |
320.00555419921875 |
95.41899871826172 |
347 |
3 |
2024-10-14 05:55:36 |
Yamajet feat. Hiura Masako - Sunglow [Harmony] |
xhc| |
319.2814636230469 |
98.44200134277344 |
1046 |
6 |
2024-09-26 08:57:08 |
Nekomata Master+ - encounter [Kotori's Extreme] |
xhd| |
319.2312927246094 |
99.6240005493164 |
1017 |
0 |
2024-09-02 02:10:05 |
DM DOKURO - SAVE (Encore) [Fatfan & browiec's Determination] |
xhd| |
319.0282287597656 |
97.91000366210938 |
337 |
2 |
2024-11-06 23:38:08 |
Kano - Walk This Way! [Ultra] |
xh|x1.30 |
317.3977355957031 |
96.38700103759766 |
351 |
7 |
2024-10-17 05:38:58 |
ONE OK ROCK - Take me to the top [Extra] |
xhc| |
315.6073913574219 |
99.11100006103516 |
494 |
2 |
2024-10-28 05:36:39 |
40mP feat. yuikonnu - Ame to Asphalt [Rain] |
xhc| |
315.440673828125 |
97.9739990234375 |
535 |
4 |
2024-09-04 03:00:15 |
Sasaki Shiori - Harenohi Step (Soleily Remix) [Radiance] |
xhd| |
315.37445068359375 |
99.79100036621094 |
942 |
0 |
2024-09-02 14:01:09 |
Wakeshima Kanon - Tsukinami [Nostalgia] |
xhd| |
315.065673828125 |
99.65399932861328 |
967 |
3 |
2024-09-24 12:24:01 |
KASAI HARCORES - Cycle Hit [Home Run] |
xhd| |
313.493896484375 |
98.68599700927734 |
2168 |
2 |
2024-09-17 13:30:49 |
Foreground Eclipse - I Bet You'll Forget That Even If You Noticed That [Akitoshi's Extreme] |
xhd| |
312.8722839355469 |
98.8010025024414 |
1300 |
5 |
2024-09-23 13:33:48 |
Iwami Takashi - ONE-MAN CIRCUS [Kowari's EXTRA] |
xhc| |
312.5546875 |
98.5459976196289 |
743 |
3 |
2024-11-09 11:37:20 |
ke-ji feat. Nanahira - Ange du Blanc Pur [Purity] |
xhc| |
312.516845703125 |
98.24700164794922 |
791 |
2 |
2024-08-30 09:36:00 |
ALiCE'S EMOTiON - Dark Flight Dreamer [Dreamer] |
xhc| |
309.83355712890625 |
98.30000305175781 |
1095 |
4 |
2024-09-05 01:04:14 |
kakichoco - Zan'ei [Illusion] |
xrcl| |
308.6954040527344 |
99.85099792480469 |
1328 |
1 |
2024-09-26 10:55:28 |
Hana - Sakura no Uta [Extra] |
xhd| |
305.9664611816406 |
98.7760009765625 |
600 |
0 |
2024-10-31 02:44:55 |
TrySail - KAREI ONE TURN (TV Size) [My One-Hit Expert] |
xhd| |
305.23992919921875 |
98.60199737548828 |
550 |
1 |
2024-09-02 05:31:08 |
MIMI feat. Hatsune Miku - Ai no Sukima [Radiance] |
xrhd| |
303.9826354980469 |
96.43800354003906 |
239 |
1 |
2024-08-29 11:17:56 |
HO-KAGO TEA TIME - Kira Kira Days [Shiawase!!] |
xhc| |
303.9544982910156 |
98.27999877929688 |
471 |
1 |
2024-08-29 12:43:49 |
Mitsukiyo - Unwelcome School [Sotarks' Classroom Disorder] |
xhd| |
303.0305480957031 |
99.75 |
679 |
0 |
2024-11-10 06:00:23 |
xhc| |
301.9212646484375 |
98.3759994506836 |
372 |
4 |
2024-09-24 09:48:51 |
EGOIST - Ame, Kimi o Tsurete [Monochromatic Rainfall] |
xhc| |
301.8984680175781 |
98.83000183105469 |
1201 |
5 |
2024-10-13 10:18:50 |
Kawada Mami - u/n (Cut Ver.) [Crimson] |
xhc| |
301.4907531738281 |
96.47599792480469 |
320 |
3 |
2024-10-28 01:53:38 |
Hikasa Youko, Uchida Maaya, Taketatsu Ayana, Akesaka Satomi - Gokujo. no Jouken (TV Size) [Azunyan's Extra] |
xhd| |
300.9562683105469 |
98.93299865722656 |
169 |
0 |
2024-10-05 06:54:59 |
xhd| |
300.7178039550781 |
99.8479995727539 |
536 |
0 |
2024-09-13 13:17:01 |
Mutsuhiko Izumi - Snow Goose [nebuwua's Hibernal Embrace] |
xrhdsl|x1.05 |
300.05926513671875 |
99.22699737548828 |
544 |
1 |
2024-11-09 04:08:04 |
Official HIGE DANdism - Bad for me (Dz'Xa's Amenpunk) [HE WILL] |
xh|x1.30 |
299.3923645019531 |
99.16999816894531 |
1097 |
1 |
2024-10-17 09:29:58 |
Suzuyu - Euphorium [The Dream Of White Star.] |
xhd| |
298.96331787109375 |
98.43800354003906 |
889 |
5 |
2024-09-13 06:52:16 |
Aitsuki Nakuru - Monochrome Butterfly [Uniform] |
xd| |
298.8224792480469 |
97.22899627685547 |
419 |
2 |
2024-10-17 05:43:01 |
Vickeblanka - Black Rover (TV Size) [Extra] |
xhc| |
298.41448974609375 |
98.51000213623047 |
442 |
4 |
2024-10-06 05:57:36 |
Chino(CV.Minase Inori) - Shinsaku no Shiawase wa Kochira! [Happy~!] |
xhd| |
297.1007080078125 |
99.40299987792969 |
614 |
1 |
2024-08-31 04:52:22 |
THE ORAL CIGARETTES - Kyouran Hey Kids!! [Extra ft. Onlybiscuit] |
xhc| |
296.70159912109375 |
97.23600006103516 |
791 |
7 |
2024-10-13 12:51:32 |
Nanamori-chu * Goraku-bu - Acchu~ma Seishun! (TV Size) [Sotarks' Peace of Mind] |
xd| |
296.1470031738281 |
96.96900177001953 |
480 |
4 |
2024-09-12 07:04:24 |
Alya (CV: Uesaka Sumire) - Ichiban Kagayaku Hoshi (TV Size) [Milashka~] |
xhd| |
295.0999755859375 |
98.26699829101562 |
525 |
0 |
2024-09-27 04:44:04 |
Nanahira - Chikatto Chika Chika [Extra] |
xhd| |
294.7667236328125 |
98.67900085449219 |
376 |
2 |
2024-10-08 13:17:14 |
dj TAKA - quaver [Nevo's Extra] |
xhd| |
293.465576171875 |
95.18299865722656 |
281 |
2 |
2024-09-03 01:33:07 |
ClariS - border (TV Size) [Yotsugi] |
xhd| |
293.4363708496094 |
99.37300109863281 |
498 |
0 |
2024-09-02 13:52:37 |
Bliitzit - Team Magma & Aqua Leader Battle Theme (Unofficial) [Catastrophe] |
xhc| |
292.6085205078125 |
98.94499969482422 |
237 |
2 |
2024-10-28 05:38:12 |
Mili - Rightfully [Testo's Extra] |
xhd| |
292.191162109375 |
98.0790023803711 |
786 |
1 |
2024-10-22 07:40:10 |
Poppin'Party - KIZUNA MUSIC (TV Size) [Special] |
xhc| |
289.2575378417969 |
99.66400146484375 |
553 |
0 |
2024-09-03 10:19:01 |
Alya (CV: Uesaka Sumire) - Ichiban Kagayaku Hoshi (TV Size) [Kuki's Extra] |
xhd| |
289.1110534667969 |
100.0 |
525 |
0 |
2024-08-31 11:56:36 |
Luck Life - Kawaranai Sora (TV-version) [Hatsukoi] |
xhd| |
288.3455505371094 |
99.81600189208984 |
509 |
0 |
2024-09-03 10:01:31 |
K A Z M A S A - Bon Appetit S (Oldskool HappyHardcore Remix) (Short Ver.) [blend s (260 bpm)] |
xh|x1.20 |
286.7051086425781 |
98.74500274658203 |
1155 |
4 |
2024-10-05 11:21:27 |
xhc| |
285.5924072265625 |
98.9540023803711 |
916 |
4 |
2024-09-13 13:30:57 |
96neko - Uso no Hibana [NiNo's Extra] |
xhc| |
284.4322814941406 |
98.91699981689453 |
836 |
2 |
2024-09-30 13:27:02 |
Mrs. GREEN APPLE - Ao to Natsu [Reform's Summer] |
xhd| |
283.59820556640625 |
98.5 |
395 |
1 |
2024-11-07 02:51:14 |
Nogizaka46 - Yubi Bouenkyou (TV Size) [Fate] |
xd| |
282.5762023925781 |
94.36199951171875 |
358 |
4 |
2024-09-12 07:06:57 |
Ayaka Ohashi - Wagamama MIRROR HEART [Revenge] |
xhd|x1.05 |
281.83233642578125 |
98.75399780273438 |
401 |
1 |
2024-09-04 10:01:34 |
Serizawa Yu - Devi-kyuu (TV Size) [Jumping Heart] |
xhc| |
280.7589416503906 |
98.50399780273438 |
395 |
1 |
2024-09-07 10:36:39 |
Simple Plan - You Suck At Love (Speed Up Ver.) [Extra] |
xd| |
280.44940185546875 |
98.1989974975586 |
387 |
1 |
2024-08-30 04:36:27 |
Getter Jaani - Rockefeller Street (Nightcore Mix) [1-2, 7 3.] |
xhd| |
278.94500732421875 |
100.0 |
520 |
0 |
2024-09-03 01:35:46 |
Serizawa Yu - Devi-kyuu (TV Size) [Extra] |
xhc| |
278.52545166015625 |
99.81900024414062 |
521 |
0 |
2024-09-07 10:35:30 |
Kushi - Sakura no Zenya (Speed Up Ver.) [Tomorrow] |
xh|x1.30 |
277.15716552734375 |
99.22899627685547 |
970 |
4 |
2024-09-17 13:00:45 |
Tia - Heart Realize (TV Size) [Happiness] |
xhd| |
276.6037292480469 |
99.3219985961914 |
464 |
0 |
2024-09-02 02:14:14 |
TERRA - EDEN [Hectic] |
xhc| |
276.1099853515625 |
97.39399719238281 |
339 |
4 |
2024-09-23 13:49:21 |
Suzuki Konomi - Realize (TV Size) [Grasp of the Undying] |
xhd| |
275.8876037597656 |
98.78600311279297 |
293 |
3 |
2024-09-13 10:29:50 |
BlackYooh vs. siromaru - BLACK or WHITE? [MASTER] |
xhd| |
275.7264709472656 |
99.33499908447266 |
1079 |
0 |
2024-09-14 07:31:56 |
yuikonnu - Kakushigoto [Distant Memory] |
xhd| |
275.2015075683594 |
96.55000305175781 |
776 |
3 |
2024-09-02 14:24:38 |
OxT - Clattanoia (TV Size) [KUKI'S EXTREME] |
xhc| |
274.8853454589844 |
95.16600036621094 |
437 |
4 |
2024-08-29 11:11:29 |
Hikasa Youko, Uchida Maaya, Taketatsu Ayana, Akesaka Satomi - Gokujo. no Jouken (TV Size) [Himekawa's Extra] |
xhd| |
274.8285217285156 |
99.53700256347656 |
186 |
0 |
2024-10-05 06:54:33 |
Foreground Eclipse - To The Terminus [Extreme] |
xhd| |
273.0965881347656 |
99.26699829101562 |
744 |
3 |
2024-09-13 06:59:08 |
The Cro-Magnons - Totsugeki Rock [Sotarks no Jutsu] |
xhd| |
270.0981140136719 |
97.80699920654297 |
363 |
3 |
2024-08-29 13:43:02 |
ClariS - border (TV Size) [Extra] |
xhd| |
270.03057861328125 |
99.5719985961914 |
522 |
1 |
2024-10-23 03:37:13 |
Kano - Stella-rium [Pleiades] |
xhd| |
267.3511962890625 |
98.50800323486328 |
499 |
0 |
2024-08-30 00:01:56 |
KISIDA KYODAN & THE AKEBOSI ROCKETS - Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita (TV Size) [Log Off Now's Extreme] |
xhc| |
267.09326171875 |
97.99299621582031 |
326 |
4 |
2024-10-28 01:27:18 |
TRUE - Soundscape [Meg's Extra] |
xhc| |
266.976318359375 |
98.47100067138672 |
864 |
6 |
2024-09-13 13:11:57 |
Aitsuki Nakuru - Monochrome Butterfly [Extra] |
xrhd| |
266.7702941894531 |
86.62699890136719 |
261 |
2 |
2024-09-04 03:14:49 |
Aitsuki Nakuru - Dramatic Star (Cut Ver.) [Wish] |
xhd| |
265.94140625 |
97.93000030517578 |
472 |
4 |
2024-10-20 10:20:12 |
Norman J. Grossfeld, Russell Velazquez - Gotta Go Fast (TV Size) [SPEED OF SOUND] |
xh|x1.25 |
265.438232421875 |
97.83100128173828 |
376 |
3 |
2024-09-14 10:02:56 |
Yu Tokiwa - Shounen Ripples [Vibes] |
xhd| |
264.3674621582031 |
94.79900360107422 |
349 |
5 |
2024-08-30 10:09:50 |
Nobuo Uematsu - Bike Chase [Plasma's Extra] |
xhd| |
263.96240234375 |
96.54399871826172 |
164 |
5 |
2024-09-03 10:17:03 |
Daisy x Daisy - Tousou [Frost] |
xhd| |
262.57733154296875 |
98.51100158691406 |
495 |
2 |
2024-09-21 04:49:49 |
Yorushika - Thoughtcrime [GlazeE's Extra] |
xhc| |
260.2384338378906 |
96.74500274658203 |
786 |
1 |
2024-08-30 09:47:06 |
Green Day - Bang Bang [Raijodo's Extreme] |
xh|x1.30 |
259.35296630859375 |
97.6969985961914 |
511 |
8 |
2024-10-04 05:54:47 |
Bentham - Chicago [Sky City] |
xhc| |
258.5985107421875 |
98.3030014038086 |
257 |
6 |
2024-09-13 06:54:57 |
Ponchi feat. haxchi - Mousou <3 Chuu!! [Infatuation] |
xh|x1.30 |
258.563720703125 |
98.76899719238281 |
697 |
2 |
2024-09-14 09:39:05 |
Hoshimachi Suisei - Ranbu no Melody (Cut Ver.) [Reform's Extra] |
xhd| |
258.1813049316406 |
99.13899993896484 |
451 |
2 |
2024-08-29 13:47:18 |
Kawada Mami - u/n (Cut Ver.) [Reform's Extreme] |
xhc| |
256.2186584472656 |
97.95500183105469 |
273 |
2 |
2024-10-13 09:34:39 |
S3RL - MTC (Different Heaven Remix) [Heaven] |
xhd| |
255.7916259765625 |
99.27899932861328 |
799 |
1 |
2024-10-18 12:36:57 |
Panda Eyes - ILY [Fanteer's Final Level] |
xh|x1.35 |
255.24591064453125 |
97.31600189208984 |
270 |
5 |
2024-10-05 11:16:06 |
ClariS - Careless (TV Size) [Darkness] |
xhd| |
254.36627197265625 |
98.48799896240234 |
403 |
3 |
2024-09-02 13:53:59 |
ONE OK ROCK - Take me to the top [Sotarks' Ascension] |
xhc| |
253.96017456054688 |
95.44000244140625 |
293 |
5 |
2024-10-28 05:34:57 |
Mitsuki Kotono - Fuyu ni Saku Hana [Sanctuary] |
xhd| |
253.63754272460938 |
99.48100280761719 |
595 |
1 |
2024-10-13 10:22:28 |
HyuN feat. Ato - Asu wa Ame ga Yamukara [Extra] |
xhd| |
253.27536010742188 |
99.69499969482422 |
869 |
0 |
2024-09-03 10:05:51 |
Utsu-P feat. Kagamine Rin - Tokyo Teddy Bear [Extreme] |
xhc| |
252.30453491210938 |
99.1780014038086 |
747 |
4 |
2024-09-03 05:34:16 |
Inori Minase - brave climber [believe] |
xhd| |
251.98141479492188 |
98.4739990234375 |
944 |
11 |
2024-09-30 13:38:19 |
UNDEAD CORPORATION - Embraced by the Flame [Crimson Shard] |
xhd| |
248.8621063232422 |
95.48799896240234 |
323 |
8 |
2024-09-17 13:50:25 |
Brian The Sun - Lonely Go (8 Bit Remix) [lonely go 8 miss remix] |
xhc| |
248.8524627685547 |
88.60099792480469 |
158 |
4 |
2024-10-24 11:53:27 |
Avenged Sevenfold - Save Me [Tragedy] |
xrhcsl|x1.05 |
248.31822204589844 |
99.56199645996094 |
1462 |
4 |
2024-11-10 09:37:51 |
Poppin'Party - Koko kara Saki wa Uta ni Naranai (TV Size) [Extra] |
xhd| |
247.50755310058594 |
99.22599792480469 |
487 |
1 |
2024-09-24 09:46:51 |
xi - Ascension to Heaven [BoshyMan's Extra] |
xhd| |
247.35203552246094 |
99.85199737548828 |
1448 |
0 |
2024-09-13 06:07:04 |
Tatsh - Xevel [Extreme] |
xrhdl|x1.25 |
243.0352325439453 |
99.1449966430664 |
493 |
4 |
2024-11-09 04:14:11 |
Yooh - MariannE [Collab] |
xhd| |
242.48046875 |
99.0459976196289 |
1513 |
9 |
2024-10-11 13:05:54 |
yuikonnu - Natsu no Owari, Koi no Hajimari [Flowers of the Night Sky] |
xhd| |
241.23643493652344 |
96.91699981689453 |
504 |
6 |
2024-09-02 06:30:57 |
Morimori Atsushi - PUPA [Butterfly] |
xhd| |
240.39222717285156 |
99.21399688720703 |
965 |
0 |
2024-10-06 06:16:52 |
toby fox - Last Goodbye [Taeyang's Extra] |
xhd| |
239.72312927246094 |
97.7040023803711 |
286 |
5 |
2024-09-02 14:14:16 |
nano - No pain, No game (TV Size) [Revolution] |
xhd| |
239.49822998046875 |
97.44999694824219 |
334 |
5 |
2024-09-26 03:25:38 |
Yousei Teikoku - Zetsubou plantation [Shiro's Extreme] |
xh|x1.20 |
239.12771606445312 |
99.10199737548828 |
906 |
1 |
2024-10-24 05:42:59 |
TUYU - Anoyo-iki no Bus ni Notte Saraba. [Yandere] |
xh|x1.35 |
238.1289825439453 |
98.13600158691406 |
367 |
9 |
2024-09-19 05:33:15 |
Luck Life - Kaze ga Fuku Machi (TV size) [Dying Wind] |
xhc| |
236.06436157226562 |
99.15599822998047 |
393 |
2 |
2024-09-03 10:02:46 |
Minazuki Airi with Atsushi - Daisuki, Evolution [Extreme] |
xhd| |
235.4549560546875 |
98.00700378417969 |
452 |
1 |
2024-08-29 12:58:26 |
Kano - Daisy Blue [Hope] |
xhd| |
234.38917541503906 |
98.75499725341797 |
736 |
8 |
2024-11-01 06:02:56 |
Various Artists - Chikatto Chika Chika x1.7 Compilation [affimation] |
x| |
234.29441833496094 |
96.83699798583984 |
331 |
4 |
2024-10-08 02:49:54 |
Kano - Yuudachi no Ribbon [Extreme] |
xhc| |
233.4510498046875 |
98.30500030517578 |
410 |
3 |
2024-09-14 07:59:09 |
Kano - Prima Stella [Caged] |
xhd| |
232.85743713378906 |
98.71099853515625 |
1015 |
9 |
2024-09-23 08:35:10 |
THE ORAL CIGARETTES - 5150 [Sotarks' Cataclysm] |
xhc| |
231.0894012451172 |
96.80899810791016 |
516 |
9 |
2024-10-28 05:31:54 |
Remo Prototype[CV: Hanamori Yumiri] - Sendan Life [Extra] |
xhc| |
231.05772399902344 |
97.48200225830078 |
483 |
8 |
2024-08-29 11:21:04 |
Nanahoshi Kangengakudan - Rubik's Cube [Extreme] |
xhd| |
229.3853759765625 |
98.51599884033203 |
644 |
12 |
2024-10-11 13:27:02 |
Poppin'Party - Cherry Bomb [Sakura Blossom] |
xhd| |
228.51182556152344 |
96.08699798583984 |
400 |
7 |
2024-10-13 10:24:35 |
Various Artists - Super * Affection (TV Size) [Noble Phantasm] |
xhd| |
228.14495849609375 |
99.59200286865234 |
651 |
0 |
2024-09-18 12:00:52 |
amazarashi - Sora ni Utaeba [Aeon] |
xhc| |
227.05284118652344 |
97.83599853515625 |
467 |
9 |
2024-10-17 09:52:26 |
DECO*27 - Ghost Rule [N a s y a's Extra] |
xhc| |
226.61082458496094 |
96.1969985961914 |
615 |
13 |
2024-10-06 06:12:21 |
Thaehan - Ohayou ! [Taeyang's Expert] |
xhd| |
224.40821838378906 |
98.64900207519531 |
620 |
2 |
2024-08-29 14:09:24 |
nao - Toaru Shoukoku no Ohimesama ga... [Princess] |
xhd| |
223.4300537109375 |
90.8949966430664 |
337 |
6 |
2024-08-31 04:50:13 |
Shika-bu - Shikairo Days (TV Size) [Koshitantan] |
xhd| |
222.13107299804688 |
97.81300354003906 |
420 |
2 |
2024-08-31 11:54:44 |
Nashimoto Ui - AaAaAaAAaAaAAa [aAaAaaAaAaaA] |
xhd| |
221.7131805419922 |
98.91699981689453 |
218 |
3 |
2024-09-27 09:42:33 |
Foreground Eclipse - From Under Cover (Caught Up In A Love Song) [I've Stopped Time and Everything is at My Mercy] |
xhc| |
220.3387908935547 |
97.91100311279297 |
530 |
7 |
2024-10-23 04:02:54 |
nao - Toaru Shoukoku no Ohimesama ga... [Expert] |
xhd| |
218.59814453125 |
98.5 |
426 |
2 |
2024-08-31 04:49:09 |
MIOYAMAZAKI - Noise (Cut Ver.) [Special] |
xhd| |
218.14968872070312 |
94.53600311279297 |
238 |
7 |
2024-10-17 05:33:17 |
Centimillimental - Bokura dake no Shudaika [Memory] |
xhd| |
217.71649169921875 |
98.2699966430664 |
690 |
10 |
2024-10-17 12:12:10 |
dj TAKA - quaver [A r M i N's Extra] |
xhd| |
216.80555725097656 |
97.15399932861328 |
210 |
2 |
2024-09-03 01:29:36 |
BLANKFIELD - Goodbye [Intense] |
x| |
216.8049774169922 |
99.79000091552734 |
2310 |
0 |
2024-08-31 10:30:22 |
Vickeblanka - Black Rover (TV Size) [Extreme] |
xhc| |
215.6376953125 |
94.76899719238281 |
326 |
10 |
2024-10-06 06:02:48 |
Ni-Sokkususu - Blade Dance [Kneesocks] |
xhd| |
215.25112915039062 |
97.19499969482422 |
376 |
3 |
2024-08-31 10:58:11 |
SPYAIR - I'M A BELIEVER (TV Size) [Spike] |
xhc| |
215.23094177246094 |
98.51799774169922 |
317 |
4 |
2024-09-02 02:46:33 |
Saint Snow - DROPOUT!? [Curse] |
xhc| |
215.10610961914062 |
97.5719985961914 |
376 |
4 |
2024-09-03 03:58:27 |
Hikasa Youko, Uchida Maaya, Taketatsu Ayana, Akesaka Satomi - Gokujo. no Jouken (TV Size) [Extra] |
xc| |
215.0861358642578 |
98.38700103759766 |
171 |
0 |
2024-10-05 06:58:31 |
Halozy - Genryuu Kaiko [Everlasting Nightmare] |
xhd| |
212.75912475585938 |
98.74099731445312 |
917 |
10 |
2024-09-04 09:34:27 |
Memme - Plasma Gun [Extra] |
xhds|x1.20 |
212.5450439453125 |
94.99400329589844 |
389 |
1 |
2024-09-06 09:19:55 |
Tadokoro Azusa - 1HOPE SNIPER [RESOLVED] |
x| |
212.15365600585938 |
97.54499816894531 |
1247 |
8 |
2024-11-09 10:15:53 |
S3RL - MTC (Different Heaven Remix) [Expert] |
xhd| |
211.06536865234375 |
98.33499908447266 |
817 |
6 |
2024-10-18 07:05:43 |
Tamura Yukari - MERRY MERRY MERRY MENU... Ne! [Merry Merry Love] |
xhd| |
210.3695068359375 |
97.04900360107422 |
404 |
5 |
2024-09-30 13:49:32 |
THE ORAL CIGARETTES - Mou Ii kai? [Rain] |
xhc| |
210.2569580078125 |
95.91500091552734 |
455 |
8 |
2024-09-12 01:24:45 |
ReoNa - ANIMA (TV Size) [EXTREME] |
xhd| |
210.1608123779297 |
98.73100280761719 |
312 |
2 |
2024-09-13 13:15:41 |
Sayuri - Koukai no Uta (TV Size) [Plus Ultra] |
xhd| |
207.18942260742188 |
99.38200378417969 |
345 |
1 |
2024-10-05 06:39:17 |
Kano - Dear Brave (Short Ver.) [Dored's Courageous] |
xhc| |
205.95326232910156 |
99.08899688720703 |
356 |
2 |
2024-09-30 02:50:46 |
kessoku band - Guitar to Kodoku to Aoi Hoshi [guitarhero] |
xhc| |
204.2635498046875 |
96.56500244140625 |
450 |
7 |
2024-09-22 04:43:48 |
Rika (CV: Tamura Yukari) & Satoko (CV: Kanai Mika) & Hanyuu (CV: Horie Yui) - Happy! Lucky! Dochy! (TV Size) [Ultra] |
xhc| |
203.7831268310547 |
97.44599914550781 |
275 |
4 |
2024-10-14 05:35:07 |
Yuki Setsuna (CV: Kusunoki Tomori) - LIKE IT! LOVE IT! [Scarlet] |
xhd| |
203.7471466064453 |
94.16600036621094 |
305 |
7 |
2024-10-22 07:37:08 |
Yamazaki Moe - Kataomoi no Melody o short ver. [Extra] |
xhd| |
203.394775390625 |
98.4990005493164 |
354 |
3 |
2024-10-05 06:29:00 |
Yuki Setsuna (CV: Kusunoki Tomori) - LIKE IT! LOVE IT! [Expert] |
xhd| |
202.37339782714844 |
98.49400329589844 |
431 |
4 |
2024-09-19 05:22:04 |
VINXIS - Sidetracked Day (Short Ver.) [A r M i N's Extra] |
xrhcsl|x1.10 |
201.9972686767578 |
99.13999938964844 |
762 |
1 |
2024-11-10 10:41:16 |
765 MILLION ALLSTARS - Flyers!!! [Fly High!!!] |
xc| |
201.90487670898438 |
98.39199829101562 |
927 |
6 |
2024-10-17 09:07:05 |
S3RL - MTC (Different Heaven Remix) [Anime Haven] |
xhd| |
201.5225372314453 |
97.81400299072266 |
578 |
1 |
2024-10-18 07:10:47 |
DragonForce - Through the Fire and Flames [Myth] |
xhc| |
201.4306640625 |
99.06700134277344 |
1293 |
5 |
2024-10-18 12:53:19 |
xhd| |
199.55419921875 |
98.5 |
558 |
4 |
2024-11-09 04:34:46 |
Release Hallucination - Chronostasis [A Brilliant Petal Frozen in an Everlasting Moment] |
xrh| |
198.5723419189453 |
99.41699981689453 |
1063 |
11 |
2024-09-28 15:13:49 |
sabi - true DJ MAG top ranker's song Zenpen (katagiri Remix) [Senseabel's Extra] |
xhd| |
198.30783081054688 |
97.9729995727539 |
1909 |
4 |
2024-09-19 05:42:45 |
xhd| |
198.0050811767578 |
95.83300018310547 |
119 |
3 |
2024-09-13 16:09:53 |
Enter Shikari - Rat Race [TheMefisto's EXTRA] |
xhc| |
197.67977905273438 |
98.71299743652344 |
883 |
3 |
2024-10-18 07:16:01 |
TUYU - Kako ni Torawarete Iru [Seclusion] |
xhd| |
197.35861206054688 |
99.09500122070312 |
628 |
1 |
2024-10-22 08:48:59 |
Katy Perry - Hot N Cold [In N Out] |
x| |
197.3037109375 |
99.08599853515625 |
357 |
0 |
2024-10-13 05:10:19 |
40mP feat. yuikonnu - Ame to Asphalt [Lasse's Extra] |
xhd| |
196.80075073242188 |
98.24500274658203 |
558 |
5 |
2024-10-17 05:36:30 |
Kano - Dear Brave (TV Size) [Fearless] |
xhc| |
196.1719970703125 |
98.07599639892578 |
293 |
4 |
2024-09-30 02:52:37 |
Rings of Saturn - Senseless Massacre (Cut Ver.) [Omniscient] |
x| |
196.06915283203125 |
98.5989990234375 |
844 |
0 |
2024-10-31 03:17:06 |
umu. - Ai no Sukima [Emotions] |
xd| |
193.56309509277344 |
98.31700134277344 |
279 |
3 |
2024-09-13 10:21:23 |
ClariS - SHIORI (TV Size) [Ougi] |
xhd| |
192.7354736328125 |
98.50399780273438 |
388 |
2 |
2024-09-06 16:10:49 |
MISATO - Necro Fantasia [Lunatic] |
xhd| |
190.88763427734375 |
98.78099822998047 |
478 |
3 |
2024-09-04 11:51:28 |
Demetori - Seijouki no Pierrot ~ The MadPiero Laughs [Stage 5] |
xhd| |
189.4788360595703 |
98.73400115966797 |
647 |
2 |
2024-09-03 09:53:59 |
Wakeshima Kanon - World's End, Girl's Rondo(Asterisk DnB Remix) [We cry "OPEN"] |
xhd| |
188.74578857421875 |
99.29000091552734 |
1210 |
1 |
2024-09-12 00:52:11 |
toby fox - Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans [Akitoshi's Extra] |
xrhdsl|x1.10 |
188.3804473876953 |
97.74299621582031 |
184 |
3 |
2024-11-09 04:29:54 |
Yousei Teikoku - Senketsu no Chikai [Insanity] |
xrhdsl|x1.10 |
187.60972595214844 |
98.3499984741211 |
428 |
7 |
2024-11-10 09:19:34 |
Zektbach - L'erisia (Primary Logic) [sstari's Extreme] |
xh|x1.25 |
187.27037048339844 |
98.75900268554688 |
909 |
3 |
2024-09-03 10:44:23 |
YURiMental - Kinou ni Kanaderu Ashita no Uta (Cut Ver.) [Definitely Not FOUR DiMENSiONS] |
xhd| |
185.498779296875 |
98.7030029296875 |
291 |
3 |
2024-09-04 09:36:39 |
Serizawa Yu - Devi-kyuu (TV Size) [Ex] |
xd| |
185.49526977539062 |
98.11799621582031 |
317 |
1 |
2024-09-13 06:30:08 |
Turbo - PADORU / PADORU [Christmas Drift] |
xhd| |
183.7415771484375 |
97.49299621582031 |
101 |
2 |
2024-09-13 06:39:04 |
Okazaki Taiiku - Kimi no Bouken (TV Size) [Extra] |
xhc| |
181.25650024414062 |
98.10600280761719 |
325 |
4 |
2024-10-06 05:54:51 |
R3 Music Box - Harumachi Clover [Insane] |
xhdl|x2.00 |
180.34103393554688 |
97.3270034790039 |
106 |
0 |
2024-10-18 12:56:33 |
Hikasa Youko, Uchida Maaya, Taketatsu Ayana, Akesaka Satomi - Gokujo. no Jouken (TV Size) [Impure's Expert] |
xhd| |
179.7323455810547 |
97.88700103759766 |
142 |
1 |
2024-10-05 07:08:12 |
Kano - Dear Brave [Meg's Insane] |
xhd| |
178.1968231201172 |
99.58300018310547 |
446 |
0 |
2024-08-30 04:44:42 |
LiSA - Believe in ourselves [Our Everlasting Love] |
xhd| |
175.93759155273438 |
98.40299987792969 |
629 |
11 |
2024-10-18 05:58:38 |
Kano - Dear Brave [Valor] |
xhc| |
174.80502319335938 |
97.85800170898438 |
461 |
10 |
2024-09-30 13:30:11 |
xhc| |
174.1881103515625 |
96.47699737548828 |
405 |
7 |
2024-11-10 06:25:17 |
Chitose Sara - Merry Merry Go Round [Extra] |
xhd| |
172.80149841308594 |
98.98699951171875 |
248 |
1 |
2024-10-13 10:20:57 |
Hana - Sakura to Kotori [Serenity] |
xhd| |
172.07171630859375 |
99.04199981689453 |
849 |
3 |
2024-09-29 13:39:55 |
xhd|x0.90 |
170.28128051757812 |
98.91100311279297 |
232 |
2 |
2024-11-09 04:37:19 |
THE ORAL CIGARETTES - Miss Tail (Cut Ver.) [dkblaze's Remorse] |
xhd| |
169.83641052246094 |
99.09400177001953 |
298 |
1 |
2024-09-24 09:53:20 |
Kawada Mami - u/n (Cut Ver.) [Kuki's Extra] |
xhc| |
165.9968719482422 |
98.75299835205078 |
174 |
2 |
2024-10-05 06:26:10 |
KOCHO - Hanyamaru Manten, Zenitendou. (TV Size) [Hard] |
xeds|x2.00 |
163.55801391601562 |
99.2750015258789 |
155 |
0 |
2024-09-06 09:16:17 |
Apollo - Brazil [Fiery's Extreme] |
xhd| |
161.6933135986328 |
81.31800079345703 |
176 |
8 |
2024-08-31 04:44:46 |
Amatsuki - STARTRAiN [Beyond Fate] |
xhc| |
159.64422607421875 |
98.31800079345703 |
357 |
7 |
2024-11-01 01:28:52 |
Saint Snow - DROPOUT!? [GO TO THE WORLD!?] |
xhc| |
159.57086181640625 |
98.16100311279297 |
372 |
7 |
2024-09-27 07:16:44 |
Silver Forest - Yami no Mahou Shoujo [Extra] |
xhd| |
157.9082794189453 |
99.625 |
575 |
1 |
2024-10-07 02:27:12 |
Nobuo Uematsu - Bike Chase [Expert] |
xhd| |
157.73049926757812 |
98.5469970703125 |
263 |
1 |
2024-10-22 05:30:32 |
DIALOGUE+ - Omoide Shiritori [Ring Ring You!] |
xhd| |
157.02818298339844 |
99.30899810791016 |
408 |
5 |
2024-09-19 13:32:41 |
Poppin'Party - KIZUNA MUSIC [Music of Bonds!] |
xhd| |
156.43197631835938 |
97.75399780273438 |
553 |
14 |
2024-09-23 14:10:55 |
Tia - The Glory Days [Rainbow] |
xhd| |
156.03733825683594 |
98.02799987792969 |
517 |
6 |
2024-09-26 01:30:55 |
07th Expansion - rog-unlimitation [AngelHoney] |
xrhdl|x1.20 |
155.91348266601562 |
98.79499816894531 |
501 |
2 |
2024-10-05 12:21:47 |
ClariS - Kimi no shiranai monogatari [Serenity] |
xhd| |
153.40008544921875 |
98.89900207519531 |
553 |
7 |
2024-09-24 12:06:19 |
xhc|x1.05 |
152.91343688964844 |
97.37899780273438 |
564 |
14 |
2024-10-21 12:24:30 |
Yousei Teikoku - Astral Dogma [Kyshiro's Dogma] |
xhd| |
152.17735290527344 |
98.27100372314453 |
663 |
13 |
2024-09-26 10:36:41 |
Ayane - FaV -F*** and Vanguard- [Lamune War!] |
xhd| |
150.67752075195312 |
97.1989974975586 |
200 |
3 |
2024-10-10 03:11:19 |
Nakanoke no Itsutsugo - Gotoubun no Kimochi [Extra: Nino] |
xhd| |
150.4547119140625 |
98.53700256347656 |
402 |
9 |
2024-09-28 14:48:19 |
Rita - dorchadas [htonrahS] |
xh|x1.30 |
147.4167022705078 |
98.65799713134766 |
425 |
10 |
2024-10-19 05:12:51 |
DJ SHARPNEL - Mmmmmmm [Reivis_sk] |
xhd| |
147.32167053222656 |
97.52200317382812 |
818 |
11 |
2024-09-23 08:54:44 |
Wolpis Kater - Oxalis [Wizllia] |
x| |
146.796630859375 |
98.55400085449219 |
717 |
8 |
2024-10-28 01:38:49 |
Maneki Kecak - Atashi no Nokori Zenbu Ageru [Daydream] |
xhc| |
146.67788696289062 |
97.96600341796875 |
403 |
11 |
2024-10-27 12:13:37 |
ONE OK ROCK - One by One [Extra] |
xhd| |
146.6482696533203 |
97.60600280761719 |
275 |
6 |
2024-10-13 13:07:46 |
Chino (CV: Minase Inori) - Ashita Genki ni Naare! [Cappuccino] |
xhd| |
146.16221618652344 |
99.69100189208984 |
357 |
1 |
2024-09-22 11:13:56 |
Wire - Brazil [AJT's Extra] |
xhd| |
145.50315856933594 |
94.76399993896484 |
125 |
4 |
2024-10-05 11:24:19 |
Primary - Inai Sekai [Extra] |
xh|x1.30 |
145.42626953125 |
97.42500305175781 |
678 |
10 |
2024-09-12 02:45:48 |
Sleeping With Sirens - If You Can't Hang [Bearizm's Extreme] |
xhc| |
145.021728515625 |
97.13700103759766 |
446 |
14 |
2024-10-23 04:21:27 |
OxT - Clattanoia (TV Size) [RAISE MY SWORD] |
xhc| |
144.13560485839844 |
92.96199798583984 |
310 |
12 |
2024-09-15 04:04:22 |
supercell - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari [Moecho's Monogatari] |
xhd| |
143.42825317382812 |
99.81099700927734 |
543 |
0 |
2024-09-03 01:23:01 |
SHK - Flight of the Bumblebee (RST Classic) [ReaL's Extra] |
xd|x1.05 |
139.75985717773438 |
98.35800170898438 |
296 |
8 |
2024-09-05 00:18:01 |
u's - Snow halation [Snowfall] |
xhd| |
138.6587677001953 |
98.77200317382812 |
352 |
9 |
2024-10-04 12:23:43 |
bibuko - Reizouko Mitara Pudding ga Nai [Extreme] |
xhd| |
134.11843872070312 |
97.72599792480469 |
288 |
10 |
2024-09-07 10:21:59 |
Poppin'Party - KIZUNA MUSIC (TV Size) [Kyle73's Extra] |
xhc| |
132.2169189453125 |
99.21399688720703 |
273 |
1 |
2024-09-06 15:59:40 |
toby fox - Last Goodbye [SAVE] |
xhd| |
132.0865020751953 |
96.36799621582031 |
106 |
5 |
2024-10-13 04:54:36 |
Shimotsuki Haruka - Youka to Yumeutsutsu [Arles's Myosotis] |
x| |
131.45623779296875 |
98.92500305175781 |
936 |
13 |
2024-10-22 08:53:56 |
Roselia - Neo-Aspect [Anfang] |
xhc| |
128.6229248046875 |
95.41600036621094 |
397 |
13 |
2024-08-30 18:10:37 |
Niko - Made of Fire [Oni] |
xhd| |
126.7175064086914 |
98.6240005493164 |
220 |
3 |
2024-10-05 06:41:27 |
Gabry Ponte, LUM!X, Prezioso - Thunder (Nightcore Mix) [Thunder] |
xh|x1.30 |
125.5107421875 |
98.31400299072266 |
304 |
7 |
2024-09-14 07:52:19 |
Ito Kashitaro - Fairytale, [Eternal Love] |
xhd| |
121.50357818603516 |
97.95099639892578 |
464 |
13 |
2024-10-22 06:58:58 |
Iguchi Yuka - RE-ILLUSION (TV Size) [Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up an Extra in a Dungeon?] |
xhc| |
120.71314239501953 |
96.12100219726562 |
284 |
8 |
2024-08-31 11:19:19 |
Kano - Walk This Way! [Extreme] |
xh|x1.25 |
120.65191650390625 |
98.02999877929688 |
182 |
4 |
2024-08-31 05:05:02 |
Jerma - Rat's Birthday Mixtape [We Are the Rats] |
x| |
118.59321594238281 |
96.51499938964844 |
249 |
6 |
2024-09-12 02:49:56 |
KOCHO - Hanyamaru Manten, Zenitendou. (TV Size) [Insane] |
xhd| |
116.90727233886719 |
96.19999694824219 |
164 |
1 |
2024-08-29 14:20:21 |
u's - Snow halation [Glaceon's Normal] |
xhd|x2.00 |
112.06163787841797 |
99.84300231933594 |
714 |
0 |
2024-10-04 12:29:14 |
Foreground Eclipse - Storytellers [Stories That Last Through The Sleepless Nights] |
xhc| |
111.15599822998047 |
96.88500213623047 |
663 |
15 |
2024-09-15 04:08:48 |
Five Hammer - fffff [Forte fortissississimo] |
xrh| |
109.67935180664062 |
95.66500091552734 |
380 |
13 |
2024-09-28 07:28:49 |
Iyowa feat. KAFU - Kyu-kurarin [Anxiety] |
xh|x1.35 |
109.34691619873047 |
97.30799865722656 |
521 |
8 |
2024-10-17 09:35:30 |
Zedd - Clarity (feat. Foxes) (kamome sano remix) [The Song Is About a Tragic Love] |
xhd| |
108.80867767333984 |
97.81500244140625 |
507 |
8 |
2024-09-12 02:39:34 |
Naoki Miki(CV.Takahashi Rie) & Ebisuzawa Kurumi(CV.Ozawa Ari) - Unhappy End World [Hope] |
xhd| |
107.42323303222656 |
97.50900268554688 |
289 |
11 |
2024-09-17 14:10:11 |
va - jump pack 3 [First Storm] |
xhd| |
106.76596069335938 |
94.88500213623047 |
514 |
18 |
2024-10-21 12:31:13 |
Gekidan Hitotose - Curtain Call!!!!! [fieryrage & Left's Ex] |
xrh| |
105.54778289794922 |
97.04299926757812 |
398 |
2 |
2024-10-23 03:40:19 |
Memme - Plasma Gun [LMT's Obliteration] |
x| |
96.7529067993164 |
95.29000091552734 |
341 |
1 |
2024-09-27 09:06:47 |
TUYU - Namikare [Withering Tears] |
xhc| |
96.21807861328125 |
94.91799926757812 |
364 |
17 |
2024-10-15 04:37:14 |
Kotoha - God-ish [Expert] |
x| |
95.6129150390625 |
97.3270034790039 |
497 |
4 |
2024-09-05 00:12:15 |
Kucchi vs. Akki - Yakumo >>JOINT STRUGGLE [TAG4] |
xrh|x1.05 |
94.76701354980469 |
94.91200256347656 |
337 |
28 |
2024-11-10 12:38:05 |
Camellia - Xeroa [PREON] |
x| |
90.92803955078125 |
96.37000274658203 |
295 |
14 |
2024-08-31 10:21:27 |
Sayuri - Hana no Tou (TV Size) [Flower] |
xhd| |
89.8492202758789 |
97.04100036621094 |
220 |
5 |
2024-10-05 06:37:54 |
THE ORAL CIGARETTES - MIRROR [Sotarks' Cataclysm] |
xhc| |
88.47638702392578 |
90.7509994506836 |
207 |
10 |
2024-10-06 06:18:50 |
Panda Eyes & Teminite - Immortal Flame (feat. Anna Yvette) [Eternal Blaze] |
xh|x1.45 |
88.42652130126953 |
95.21499633789062 |
168 |
10 |
2024-10-05 11:13:53 |
Middle Kids - R U 4 Me? (Cut Ver.) [can anyone hear this?] |
xhc| |
86.51078033447266 |
90.28500366210938 |
238 |
17 |
2024-10-27 12:21:21 |
Trident - Blue Field [Insane] |
xhd| |
86.0709457397461 |
100.0 |
342 |
0 |
2024-08-30 00:09:14 |
fool - unkomochi of a lifetime [Corrupt The Cat] |
x| |
85.57434844970703 |
95.81600189208984 |
423 |
17 |
2024-11-09 10:10:01 |
TRUE - Soundscape [Melody] |
xhc| |
82.4127426147461 |
96.43299865722656 |
471 |
25 |
2024-09-30 02:48:39 |
Hikasa Youko, Uchida Maaya, Taketatsu Ayana, Akesaka Satomi - Gokujo. no Jouken (TV Size) [Insane] |
xc| |
81.36811828613281 |
99.4489974975586 |
170 |
0 |
2024-10-05 06:58:55 |
IOSYS - Endless Tewi-ma Park [BoshyMan's Itty Bitty Bunny Hop Special] |
x| |
80.13787841796875 |
97.50700378417969 |
607 |
5 |
2024-09-14 09:48:36 |
Syoko Hoshi (CV: Satsumi Matsuda) - Zettai Tokken Shuchou Shimasu! Hoshi Syoko Solo Remix [Extreme] |
xhc| |
78.87774658203125 |
96.23600006103516 |
348 |
19 |
2024-10-11 13:29:55 |
Tanya Degurechaff (CV: Yuki Aoi) - Los! Los! Los! [Wrath of God] |
xrh| |
77.11979675292969 |
97.16500091552734 |
201 |
6 |
2024-09-28 15:05:21 |
Ayase Rie - Hijitsuzaikei Joshitachi wa Dou Surya Ii Desu ka? [OWO] |
xhd| |
76.66149139404297 |
94.46199798583984 |
332 |
27 |
2024-10-09 13:46:41 |
u's - Snow halation [Nyantiaz's Easy] |
xhd|x2.00 |
74.81253051757812 |
100.0 |
550 |
0 |
2024-10-04 12:27:31 |
Hana - Sakura no Uta (Sped Up Ver.) [This Final Verse of the Sakura Tree will last Forever...] |
x| |
68.07546997070312 |
96.30500030517578 |
505 |
17 |
2024-10-19 06:11:53 |
Kano - Walk This Way! [Extra] |
x| |
67.21986389160156 |
97.07599639892578 |
465 |
4 |
2024-09-26 23:15:33 |
Down - Ekoro [DeviousPanda's Extravaganza] |
xrh| |
66.61219787597656 |
97.26499938964844 |
271 |
6 |
2024-09-28 15:02:40 |
IOSYS - Hinarin no Yakui Kankei (Edit ver.) [Kuru-kurunatic] |
xd| |
64.84742736816406 |
96.70500183105469 |
208 |
13 |
2024-11-08 06:51:26 |
Set It Off - Horrible Kids [Cataclysm] |
xhd| |
62.556819915771484 |
93.9749984741211 |
117 |
9 |
2024-09-18 00:28:45 |
Luck Life - Akai Ito (Cut Ver.) [when the world fades away, don't forget me] |
xhd| |
61.44651794433594 |
91.84200286865234 |
220 |
19 |
2024-09-04 11:38:07 |
Nobuo Uematsu - Bike Chase [Crazy] |
xhd| |
56.03874588012695 |
87.81400299072266 |
112 |
13 |
2024-10-22 05:32:34 |
i.o - Aoiro Step [Kumocha's Extreme] |
xhd| |
55.39242172241211 |
95.31400299072266 |
377 |
24 |
2024-11-10 12:35:16 |
HAG - Colorful [Prismatic] |
xrhdl|x1.10 |
52.57023620605469 |
95.7040023803711 |
220 |
17 |
2024-11-10 10:21:06 |
Streetlight Manifesto - Everything Went Numb [Extreme] |
xhc| |
49.26576614379883 |
92.96900177001953 |
122 |
13 |
2024-10-08 02:41:09 |
Hikasa Youko, Uchida Maaya, Taketatsu Ayana, Akesaka Satomi - Gokujo. no Jouken (TV Size) [Normal] |
xrhdl|x2.00 |
47.12673568725586 |
99.13400268554688 |
128 |
0 |
2024-10-05 07:11:25 |
Hikasa Youko, Uchida Maaya, Taketatsu Ayana, Akesaka Satomi - Gokujo. no Jouken (TV Size) [Hard] |
xc| |
45.174678802490234 |
100.0 |
158 |
0 |
2024-10-05 06:59:19 |
dj TAKA - quaver [Crescendo] |
xhd| |
44.297794342041016 |
94.47200012207031 |
438 |
34 |
2024-09-17 13:37:30 |
dj TAKA - quaver [Ultimate Crescendo] |
xhc| |
43.51317596435547 |
94.01399993896484 |
85 |
14 |
2024-10-04 12:19:19 |
dj TAKA - quaver [Monstrata's Ultimate Crescendo] |
xhd| |
43.10215377807617 |
92.57499694824219 |
112 |
15 |
2024-11-10 10:07:57 |
Aline Barros - Eu Li Na Biblia (Sped Up & Cut Ver.) [Friend of God] |
xhd| |
41.58254623413086 |
92.8270034790039 |
160 |
15 |
2024-09-19 00:34:57 |
Junichi Masuda - Sentou! Champion Iris [Dragon Queen] |
xrhdl|x1.30 |
36.559322357177734 |
90.68399810791016 |
191 |
20 |
2024-11-10 10:30:25 |
Green Day - Bang Bang [Class of '09] |
x| |
28.347118377685547 |
95.32099914550781 |
340 |
26 |
2024-10-04 09:15:51 |
Various Artists - Chikatto Chika Chika x1.7 Compilation [sotark 1+2] |
x| |
27.236074447631836 |
94.11399841308594 |
103 |
14 |
2024-10-06 06:41:48 |
shikata akiko - Katayoku no tori [Arles] |
xh|x1.30 |
26.440988540649414 |
95.18199920654297 |
320 |
33 |
2024-10-22 00:59:30 |
EGOIST - Ame, Kimi wo Tsurete (Speed Up Ver.) [Rain, Taking You Along] |
xhd| |
25.334096908569336 |
89.9010009765625 |
263 |
27 |
2024-09-30 02:30:59 |
Doma Umaru [CV.Tanaka Aimi] - Kakushinteki*Metamaruphose! [Skystar's Laziness] |
xhd| |
22.96451759338379 |
79.7699966430664 |
206 |
20 |
2024-10-09 14:10:23 |
Camellia - FLYING OUT TO THE SKY (covered by Nanahira, moimoi, Nana Takahashi) [ENDGAME] |
xh| |
22.740848541259766 |
97.28700256347656 |
326 |
39 |
2024-09-29 13:17:50 |
siinamota feat. Kagamine Rin - Shoujo A [Lost] |
x| |
21.259273529052734 |
94.51499938964844 |
542 |
34 |
2024-10-24 12:00:01 |
Apollo - Brazil [Plasma's Extra] |
xhd| |
20.58609390258789 |
87.31400299072266 |
76 |
14 |
2024-10-22 01:31:22 |
Kobaryo - Bookmaker [Corrupt The World] |
xh| |
19.184391021728516 |
95.3550033569336 |
494 |
37 |
2024-09-27 09:16:54 |
glass beach - classic j dies and goes to hell pt. 1 [i will always be your friend.] |
x| |
17.47273826599121 |
94.74700164794922 |
670 |
39 |
2024-11-10 12:22:56 |
Wire - Brazil [Atomic Scope] |
xhd| |
11.840465545654297 |
83.80000305175781 |
63 |
17 |
2024-10-26 13:55:15 |
Various Artists - Corner Jump Training [Honda Mariko, Tanaka Rie - Mousou Katharsis] |
xhd| |
11.491704940795898 |
82.03800201416016 |
34 |
5 |
2024-10-14 00:11:57 |
Kagetora. - Crazy banger [none1637 EX] |
x| |
9.478209495544434 |
89.13500213623047 |
193 |
29 |
2024-10-24 01:21:56 |
Sex Whales & Fraxo - Dead To Me (Instrumental) [Rest In Peace] |
xhd| |
9.12808895111084 |
86.37799835205078 |
130 |
20 |
2024-10-08 02:38:08 |
Apollo - Brazil [AJT's Extra] |
xd| |
8.802738189697266 |
83.02100372314453 |
40 |
14 |
2024-10-22 01:30:01 |
AliA - utopia [Feelings] |
xrhdl|x1.10 |
7.738039016723633 |
94.76000213623047 |
459 |
42 |
2024-11-10 10:18:12 |
Yuyoyuppe - AiAe [a bit jumpy] |
xnhd| |
6.530750274658203 |
93.44200134277344 |
215 |
46 |
2024-09-25 06:56:31 |
Omoi - Snow Drive [Rabbit's Jumping Style] |
x|x1.10 |
6.060668468475342 |
95.05799865722656 |
381 |
49 |
2024-09-13 07:10:49 |
wuk - Black Rover [arutama's Classic Easy] |
x| |
5.193251132965088 |
97.72699737548828 |
75 |
1 |
2024-09-02 00:14:39 |
TUYU - Doro no Bunzai de Watashi dake no Taisetsu o Ubaouda nante [Shallowness] |
xhd| |
4.913295269012451 |
89.31199645996094 |
175 |
37 |
2024-10-08 02:46:40 |
Ch!pz - 1001 Arabian Nights [It's a journey of a lifetime] |
xh| |
4.240466117858887 |
93.61499786376953 |
206 |
45 |
2024-09-30 02:01:43 |
Elmo and Cookie Monster - Cookie-Butter-Choco-Cookie [Properly mapped Extreme] |
x| |
4.146359443664551 |
89.23300170898438 |
94 |
24 |
2024-11-09 10:37:37 |
Remo Prototype[CV: Hanamori Yumiri] - Sendan Life [Nostalgia] |
xhc| |
3.967891216278076 |
89.52400207519531 |
114 |
37 |
2024-10-06 06:07:58 |
Silver Forest - Yami no Mahou Shoujo [Chaos] |
xrhdl|x1.05 |
3.318904161453247 |
92.36100006103516 |
150 |
71 |
2024-10-04 13:27:15 |
JVKE - golden hour [pedri] |
xhd| |
3.204355478286743 |
88.64399719238281 |
66 |
20 |
2024-10-09 14:02:45 |
Camellia - Flamewall [ETERNAL SACRED FIRE] |
x|x1.10 |
2.847186803817749 |
92.41400146484375 |
710 |
85 |
2024-09-17 13:59:24 |
Laur - Sound Chimera [Chimera] |
xhc| |
2.1038098335266113 |
88.8479995727539 |
397 |
59 |
2024-09-17 13:46:18 |
guna with team kyukkyu - subconsciousness [KILL] |
xd| |
1.8599215745925903 |
88.66500091552734 |
128 |
39 |
2024-09-13 12:56:49 |
Various Artists - Corner Jump Training [Honda Mariko, Tanaka Rie - Mousou Katharsis AR8] |
xhd| |
1.6177951097488403 |
67.96099853515625 |
32 |
10 |
2024-10-14 00:11:14 |
Linkin Park - Breaking The Habit [turbo kolab] |
xdsl| |
1.4771103858947754 |
90.36100006103516 |
306 |
54 |
2024-11-10 10:45:56 |
15 Voices - Non-breath oblige [no buresu] |
xrh| |
1.412223219871521 |
86.44999694824219 |
287 |
44 |
2024-09-28 15:00:14 |
i.o - Aoiro Step [One Small Step] |
xhd| |
1.3762807846069336 |
90.75599670410156 |
135 |
48 |
2024-10-09 13:32:46 |
Katy Perry - Hot N Cold [Roller Coaster] |
xh| |
1.0245877504348755 |
89.72100067138672 |
273 |
81 |
2024-10-02 14:03:10 |
Suzuki Masayuki - DADDY ! DADDY ! DO ! feat. Suzuki Airi (TV Size) [pedri] |
xh| |
0.13401351869106293 |
82.43499755859375 |
51 |
24 |
2024-09-30 02:02:58 |
dj TAKA - quaver [Lasse's Extra] |
xrhdl|x1.10 |
0.11800964176654816 |
85.11299896240234 |
67 |
35 |
2024-11-10 10:06:48 |
SEGA / Hidenori Shoji - Banana Shrine [Beginner] |
xhd| |
0.007700182497501373 |
70.38700103759766 |
24 |
93 |
2024-10-07 02:40:53 |
Kagetora. - Crazy banger [zenvio's catastrophe] |
xnh| |
0.0006855460233055055 |
69.43399810791016 |
77 |
43 |
2024-10-03 00:07:40 |
Eric Saade - Popular GAMMA [cs2] |
xridsl|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
98.84300231933594 |
514 |
0 |
2024-09-26 12:37:23 |
Bowling For Soup - Today is Gonna be a Great Day (TV Size) [browiec's Something That Doesn't Exist] |
xrhicl|x1.10|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
95.48999786376953 |
200 |
5 |
2024-09-26 13:27:51 |
xi - over the top [expert] |
xricl|x1.10|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
99.50700378417969 |
1205 |
0 |
2024-09-26 13:34:28 |
xi - over the top [uri's extra] |
xrhicl|x1.10|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
99.19499969482422 |
844 |
2 |
2024-09-26 13:32:51 |
positive MAD-crew - Mynarco [Withdrawals] |
xridsl|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
98.6760025024414 |
564 |
3 |
2024-09-26 13:55:55 |
xi - Blue Zenith (Cut Ver.) [TWO DIMENSIONS] |
xridl|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
98.927001953125 |
710 |
2 |
2024-09-26 13:59:36 |
Bowling For Soup - Today is Gonna be a Great Day (TV Size) [Kuki's Extra] |
xricl|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
100.0 |
240 |
0 |
2024-09-26 13:25:51 |
44teru-k - F.I [Insane] |
xridl|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
99.5 |
865 |
0 |
2024-09-26 13:46:54 |
44teru-k - F.I [Platinum] |
xridl|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
99.9010009765625 |
893 |
0 |
2024-09-26 13:44:31 |
Memme - Plasma Gun [Extreme] |
xrhidl|x1.05|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
98.7249984741211 |
311 |
3 |
2024-09-26 13:42:16 |
yuikonnu - Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku o [Longing] |
xrhicl|x1.05|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
99.552001953125 |
1540 |
3 |
2024-09-26 13:20:01 |
Mage - The Words I Never Said [Regret] |
xrhicsl|x1.15|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
99.7699966430664 |
2375 |
0 |
2024-09-26 12:28:48 |
mezClA (Evatan & Mecotan) - Azul Remix [IOException's Extreme] |
xrhicl|x1.10|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
99.31500244140625 |
905 |
1 |
2024-09-26 13:16:19 |
9mm Parabellum Bullet - Inferno [Tragic Death Extra] |
xricl|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
99.625 |
701 |
0 |
2024-09-26 13:12:36 |
saradisk - 168 - 401 [Torpedo] |
xridl|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
99.44000244140625 |
403 |
2 |
2024-09-26 13:10:45 |
technoplanet - Juvenile [Extra] |
xrhicsl|x1.10|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
99.90899658203125 |
1236 |
0 |
2024-09-26 12:57:44 |
technoplanet - Juvenile [Ataraxis] |
xricsl|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
99.14299774169922 |
601 |
5 |
2024-09-26 12:55:38 |
Leah Kate - Twinkle Twinkle (Sped Up & Cut Ver.) [Mommy's Basement] |
xrhidsl|x1.15|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
98.16500091552734 |
466 |
5 |
2024-09-26 12:50:22 |
Leah Kate - 10 Things I Hate About You (Sped Up & Cut Ver.) [Mommy Issues] |
xrhidsl|x1.10|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
99.0790023803711 |
473 |
3 |
2024-09-26 12:47:48 |
UNDEAD CORPORATION - Embraced by the Flame [Extra] |
xricsl|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
99.11799621582031 |
1368 |
5 |
2024-09-26 12:43:00 |
Twilight Force - Valley of the Vale [Ascending from Fallen Elegance, the Reign of the Kingdom Roams Free Forevermore] |
xrhicsl|x1.15|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
98.70999908447266 |
588 |
11 |
2024-09-26 12:35:09 |
Twilight Force - Valley of the Vale [Dcs' Extra] |
xrhicsl|x1.15|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
99.64600372314453 |
1908 |
0 |
2024-09-26 12:32:46 |
Fellowship - Glory Days [Maki's Extra] |
xrhicsl|x1.10|FLD0.00 |
0.0 |
99.58200073242188 |
2377 |
1 |
2024-09-26 12:20:37 |