Profile of Cleosa

Recent Scores

Map title Mods PP Accuracy Combo Misses Date
DJ PAULINHO MONDI - BEEPER FUNK [BIP] xh| 124.79109191894531 96.83200073242188 355 5 2024-11-30 04:12:00
Ludicin - Everlasting Eternity [Till The Epilogue Of Time] xhdl| 0.00527794798836112 82.50599670410156 389 171 2024-11-26 00:12:04
MIMI feat. Hatsune Miku - Mizuoto to Curtain [Lucid] xrh|CS10.0 0.0 98.95800018310547 265 0 2024-11-26 00:01:38
Jump Training - How fast can you jump ? [deltaMax AR10] xhdl| 121.60334777832031 81.45700073242188 279 15 2024-11-25 10:34:05
Ludicin - Everlasting Eternity [Till The Epilogue Of Time] xhdl| 0.003395872190594673 81.75800323486328 271 214 2024-11-25 10:31:45
Omoi - Teo [Motto!] xhdl| 0.29295614361763 88.05599975585938 103 77 2024-11-25 10:25:33
Juice WRLD - Wasted (HVKEN X MURKISH REMIX) (NIGHTCORE) [Hyperborea] xhc| 75.72821044921875 87.89299774169922 171 3 2024-11-25 10:20:10
Remo Prototype[CV: Hanamori Yumiri] - Sendan Life [Nostalgia] xh|x1.25 263.7590026855469 97.52999877929688 783 5 2024-11-25 10:18:02
RoughSketch - 666 [VIVID] xrh| 130.6209716796875 95.98999786376953 255 4 2024-11-23 06:56:32
RoughSketch - 666 [VIVID] xhi| 2.3601479530334473 85.5999984741211 104 41 2024-11-23 06:53:51
Expe - Happy! Lucky! Dochy! (8-Bit Remix) [0001-0010-0011] xh| 213.56362915039062 99.65799713134766 279 0 2024-11-22 13:54:06
Kotoha - God-ish [Expert] xh| 117.98075866699219 97.07099914550781 586 3 2024-11-21 08:18:47
Apollo - Brazil [Plasma's Extra] xrh|x1.30 202.32415771484375 93.14800262451172 123 5 2024-11-21 08:12:22
Apollo - Brazil [Plasma's Extra] xrh|x1.20 441.3849182128906 98.33300018310547 240 1 2024-11-21 08:11:38
siinamota feat. Kagamine Rin - Shoujo A [Lost] xh| 490.5318603515625 98.24700164794922 1339 6 2024-11-21 08:05:14
Apollo - Brazil [Fiery's Extreme] xrh| 362.73284912109375 100.0 231 0 2024-11-20 04:29:21
Apollo - Brazil [Atomic Scope] xh| 341.26953125 98.69200134277344 247 2 2024-11-20 04:26:49
DJ PAULINHO MONDI - BEEPER FUNK [BIP] xh| 123.2262954711914 96.61699676513672 491 3 2024-11-20 02:16:43
Kurokotei - Galaxy Collapse [Galaxy] xh| 5.84843635559082 94.39900207519531 857 54 2024-11-20 00:26:43
Wire - Brazil [Kuki's Extra] xh|x1.45 227.55844116210938 92.6969985961914 243 2 2024-11-20 00:18:49
Wire - Brazil [Kuki's Extra] xh|x1.45 300.1334228515625 95.44599914550781 264 0 2024-11-20 00:17:10
Wire - Brazil [Kuki's Extra] xh|x1.45 312.0169982910156 96.21900177001953 265 0 2024-11-20 00:16:32
Wire - Brazil [Kuki's Extra] xh|x1.40 332.7471008300781 99.31199645996094 265 0 2024-11-20 00:15:43
Wire - Brazil [Kuki's Extra] xh|x1.40 285.30865478515625 96.47699737548828 265 0 2024-11-20 00:14:46
Arash - Temptation (feat. Rebecca) (Nightcore Mix) [CS3.3] xh| 413.4938659667969 99.17900085449219 1044 2 2024-11-20 00:06:50
Will Stetson - Harumachi Clover (Swing Arrangement) [Dictate Edit] [Oh no!] xhd| 247.21522521972656 99.42500305175781 151 0 2024-11-19 23:58:48
Hoshimachi Suisei - TALALALALALALALALALALALAAAAA LALAAAAAAAAAAAAA [Mahiru's Sounds Piercing The Heavenly Skies] xhdl|x1.35 263.6529846191406 92.05999755859375 176 2 2024-11-19 09:31:47
Kucchi vs. Akki - Yakumo >>JOINT STRUGGLE [TAG4] xhl| 0.021276606246829033 84.00299835205078 169 136 2024-11-18 16:07:19
dj TAKA - quaver [Ultimate Crescendo] xrhdl| 442.619384765625 99.79299926757812 398 0 2024-11-18 12:29:07
dj TAKA - quaver [Ultimate Crescendo] xhdl| 285.8846435546875 99.43199920654297 396 1 2024-11-18 12:28:11
DJ PAULINHO MONDI - BEEPER FUNK [BIP] xh| 125.85624694824219 97.78500366210938 485 4 2024-11-18 12:23:48
siinamota feat. Kagamine Rin - Shoujo A [plambob] xh| 693.7734375 99.53299713134766 1655 0 2024-11-18 12:15:59
Rika (CV: Tamura Yukari) & Satoko (CV: Kanai Mika) & Hanyuu (CV: Horie Yui) - Happy! Lucky! Dochy! (TV Size) [1-2-3] xh|x1.30 301.0387268066406 95.91799926757812 640 0 2024-11-18 12:02:30
xi remixed by cosMo@bousouP - FREEDOM DiVE [METAL DIMENSIONS] [METAL DIMENSIONS] xrhdl|x1.05 228.21542358398438 97.2040023803711 999 9 2024-11-18 10:37:35
glass beach - classic j dies and goes to hell pt. 1 [i will always be your friend.] xh| 217.6829376220703 95.39700317382812 707 21 2024-11-18 10:34:44
Camellia - Xeroa [PREON] xrh| 268.0137939453125 97.5199966430664 459 15 2024-11-18 10:20:03
Tadokoro Azusa - 1HOPE SNIPER [RESOLVED] xrh| 483.0542297363281 99.63500213623047 1446 1 2024-11-18 10:15:54
Toromaru - Shounen wa Sora o Tadoru Prog Piano Remix [antsss] xrh| 427.17437744140625 96.0979995727539 316 1 2024-11-18 10:10:00
Arash - Temptation (feat. Rebecca) (Nightcore Mix) [~Farewell~] xh| 550.2338256835938 99.16100311279297 1158 0 2024-11-18 10:04:35
DJ PAULINHO MONDI - BEEPER FUNK [BIP] xh| 103.49037170410156 96.43199920654297 381 2 2024-11-18 10:01:18
Rika (CV: Tamura Yukari) & Satoko (CV: Kanai Mika) & Hanyuu (CV: Horie Yui) - Happy! Lucky! Dochy! (TV Size) [1-2-3] xh|x1.30 179.3516082763672 94.26000213623047 388 1 2024-11-18 09:58:41
Rika (CV: Tamura Yukari) & Satoko (CV: Kanai Mika) & Hanyuu (CV: Horie Yui) - Happy! Lucky! Dochy! (TV Size) [1-2-3] xrh| 245.5553741455078 98.97899627685547 640 0 2024-11-18 01:50:00
DJ PAULINHO MONDI - BEEPER FUNK [BIP] xh| 22.447620391845703 90.9280014038086 257 15 2024-11-17 23:47:47
Arash - Temptation (feat. Rebecca) (Nightcore Mix) [~Farewell~] xrh| 235.51637268066406 97.08200073242188 396 9 2024-11-15 00:14:30
Arash - Temptation (feat. Rebecca) (Nightcore Mix) [CS3.3] xhdl| 9.142063994715954e-09 64.2040023803711 130 142 2024-11-14 10:05:36
Toromaru - Shounen wa Sora o Tadoru Prog Piano Remix [antsss] xrh| 220.92457580566406 95.61599731445312 159 5 2024-11-14 10:01:14
Kano - Stella-rium (Asterisk MAKINA Remix) [Starlight] xhd| 70.1888427734375 86.11399841308594 563 12 2024-11-14 09:57:40
Junichi Masuda - Sentou! Champion Iris [Dragon Queen] xrhdl|x1.25 0.18223625421524048 70.77300262451172 210 41 2024-11-14 09:50:56
Iyowa feat. KAFU - Kyu-kurarin [Anxiety] xh|x1.30 28.637449264526367 90.47799682617188 324 17 2024-11-14 09:47:47
fourfolium - Now Loading!!!! [Press SELECT] xhd| 6.444812774658203 86.38600158691406 205 34 2024-11-14 09:43:01

Top Scores

Map title Mods PP Accuracy Combo Misses Date
siinamota feat. Kagamine Rin - Shoujo A [plambob] xh| 693.7734375 99.53299713134766 1655 0 2024-11-18 12:15:59
Arash - Temptation (feat. Rebecca) (Nightcore Mix) [~Farewell~] xh| 550.2338256835938 99.16100311279297 1158 0 2024-11-18 10:04:35
xi - Glorious Crown [FOUR DIMENSIONS] xrh|x1.20 537.3709106445312 98.38600158691406 1365 0 2024-10-21 00:24:07
Hoshimachi Suisei - TALALALALALALALALALALALAAAAA LALAAAAAAAAAAAAA [Mahiru's Sounds Piercing The Heavenly Skies] xhdl|x1.30 515.7757568359375 97.9000015258789 307 0 2024-11-11 23:47:16
siinamota feat. Kagamine Rin - Shoujo A [Lost] xh| 490.5318603515625 98.24700164794922 1339 6 2024-11-21 08:05:14
Tadokoro Azusa - 1HOPE SNIPER [RESOLVED] xrh| 483.0542297363281 99.63500213623047 1446 1 2024-11-18 10:15:54
dj TAKA - quaver [Ultimate Crescendo] xrhdl| 442.619384765625 99.79299926757812 398 0 2024-11-18 12:29:07
Apollo - Brazil [Plasma's Extra] xrh|x1.20 441.3849182128906 98.33300018310547 240 1 2024-11-21 08:11:38
Tanaka Hirokazu - C-TYPE [SS-TYPE] xhd| 421.0957336425781 99.20099639892578 167 0 2024-11-11 23:41:41
Arash - Temptation (feat. Rebecca) (Nightcore Mix) [CS3.3] xh| 413.4938659667969 99.17900085449219 1044 2 2024-11-20 00:06:50
Kucchi vs. Akki - Yakumo >>JOINT STRUGGLE [TAG4] xrh| 403.2709045410156 92.74299621582031 502 13 2024-11-11 10:05:44
Remo Prototype[CV: Hanamori Yumiri] - Sendan Life [Nostalgia] xh|x1.25 384.3800964355469 98.50299835205078 1090 2 2024-10-08 01:33:18
Camellia - Xeroa [PREON] xrh| 377.1123962402344 97.98300170898438 416 7 2024-11-04 10:33:13
Apollo - Brazil [Fiery's Extreme] xrh| 362.73284912109375 100.0 231 0 2024-11-20 04:29:21
The Offspring - You're Gonna Go Far, Kid (Cut Ver.) [dance fucker, dance.] xh| 354.9083251953125 98.2760009765625 530 2 2024-10-10 13:49:51
xi - Glorious Crown [FOUR DIMENSIONS] xrh| 353.64068603515625 99.37100219726562 2250 0 2024-10-13 07:35:09
Nobuo Uematsu - Bike Chase [Crazy] xrh| 347.6312255859375 99.34400177001953 404 0 2024-11-01 06:37:34
Apollo - Brazil [Atomic Scope] xh| 341.26953125 98.69200134277344 247 2 2024-11-20 04:26:49
xi - Blue Zenith (Cut Ver.) [TWO DIMENSIONS] xrhdl| 337.16973876953125 98.302001953125 906 0 2024-10-20 02:37:00
Wire - Brazil [Kuki's Extra] xh|x1.40 332.7471008300781 99.31199645996094 265 0 2024-11-20 00:15:43
MIMI feat. Hatsune Miku - Ai no Sukima [Radiance] xhd| 332.014404296875 100.0 346 0 2024-10-12 08:04:45
MIMI feat. Hatsune Miku - Mizuoto to Curtain [Lucid] xhd| 321.0029602050781 99.30500030517578 265 0 2024-10-08 01:39:58
GALNERYUS - RAISE MY SWORD [A THOUSAND FLAMES] xrh| 309.5658874511719 99.24199676513672 3814 0 2024-10-14 00:51:31
Fellowship - Glory Days [Relentless Heartache] xrhdl| 308.31439208984375 98.43800354003906 1594 7 2024-10-20 02:33:36
siinamota feat. Kagamine Rin - Shoujo A [Fear] xh| 307.68408203125 97.84400177001953 622 6 2024-11-07 05:19:06
Elmo and Cookie Monster - Cookie-Butter-Choco-Cookie [Properly mapped Expert] xh| 302.75 95.94000244140625 390 0 2024-11-11 10:09:24
Various Artists - Jump Pack 9 [Expert] xrh| 301.81756591796875 99.44499969482422 578 0 2024-10-09 05:05:11
Rika (CV: Tamura Yukari) & Satoko (CV: Kanai Mika) & Hanyuu (CV: Horie Yui) - Happy! Lucky! Dochy! (TV Size) [1-2-3] xh|x1.30 301.0387268066406 95.91799926757812 640 0 2024-11-18 12:02:30
MIMI vs. Leah Kate - 10 Things I Hate About Ai no Sukima [Mommy's Radiance] xhd| 293.8245849609375 96.44200134277344 462 0 2024-10-23 00:34:44
xi / R3 Music Box - FREEDOM DiVE [ENDLESS EXEMPTiON] xrh| 292.2919006347656 99.52799987792969 2474 1 2024-10-11 00:45:57
Nobuo Uematsu - Bike Chase [Plasma's Extra] xrh| 276.7532958984375 99.7770004272461 394 0 2024-11-01 06:41:16
Release Hallucination - Chronostasis [A Brilliant Petal Frozen in an Everlasting Moment] xrh|x1.10 276.2679443359375 99.18199920654297 1155 1 2024-11-09 10:35:17
Maksim Mrvica - Croatian Rhapsody [Presto] xh|x1.30 267.6575622558594 99.44499969482422 1169 1 2024-10-13 13:22:42
Will Stetson - Harumachi Clover (Swing Arrangement) [Dictate Edit] [Oh no!] xhd| 247.21522521972656 99.42500305175781 151 0 2024-11-19 23:58:48
xi remixed by cosMo@bousouP - FREEDOM DiVE [METAL DIMENSIONS] [METAL DIMENSIONS] xrh| 246.60528564453125 99.58100128173828 1975 0 2024-10-13 13:04:30
DJ Okawari - Flower Dance (Short Ver.) [Auto] xh| 223.39291381835938 99.87000274658203 969 1 2024-10-12 07:53:23
DJ Okawari - Flower Dance (Short Ver.) [Relax] xh| 221.53172302246094 99.65299987792969 1009 0 2024-10-12 07:58:03
LeaF - Calamity Fortune (extended ver.) [Deconstruction] xrh| 219.70846557617188 98.60299682617188 2186 0 2024-10-14 05:29:11
glass beach - classic j dies and goes to hell pt. 1 [i will always be your friend.] xh| 217.6829376220703 95.39700317382812 707 21 2024-11-18 10:34:44
Tashiro Tomokazu - Koi no Hime Hime Pettanko (Karaoke) [Extra] xhd| 209.48936462402344 100.0 183 0 2024-10-05 12:20:34
Elmo and Cookie Monster - Cookie-Butter-Choco-Cookie [Properly mapped Extra] xh| 204.44573974609375 94.90299987792969 200 6 2024-11-11 10:07:48
Various Artists - Jump Pack 9 [Ultra] xh| 199.40020751953125 98.84200286865234 680 2 2024-10-10 13:38:54
Leah Kate - Life Sux (Sped Up Ver.) [Mommy Sucks] xhd| 196.0543975830078 93.0009994506836 966 0 2024-10-05 12:23:00
Wire - Brazil [AJT's Extra] xrh| 195.72679138183594 97.81800079345703 241 0 2024-10-29 04:55:08
Ariabl'eyeS - Kegare Naki Bara Juuji [Anguish] xr| 187.56019592285156 97.68099975585938 669 9 2024-10-08 01:27:46
RoughSketch - 666 [VIVID] xh| 187.18287658691406 96.89299774169922 604 5 2024-11-05 23:58:08
Tashiro Tomokazu - Koi no Hime Hime Pettanko (Karaoke) [Mordred's Expert] xhd| 185.22808837890625 95.55500030517578 196 0 2024-10-08 01:53:25
xi - Glorious Crown [FiNAL CROWN] xrh| 184.2792510986328 97.81300354003906 1193 7 2024-10-17 00:00:56
Tashiro Tomokazu - Koi no Hime Hime Pettanko (Karaoke) [Ringtone] xhc| 166.29696655273438 91.37899780273438 189 0 2024-10-28 10:45:35
Various Artists - Chikatto Chika Chika x1.7 Compilation [affimation] xh| 152.5088653564453 94.86100006103516 280 7 2024-10-14 05:32:10
Kano - Walk This Way! [Ultra] xh| 149.00018310546875 95.94400024414062 462 5 2024-11-05 23:50:18
Wire - Brazil [Atomic Scope] xh| 147.8790283203125 95.3270034790039 246 7 2024-10-29 04:53:29
Apollo - Brazil [app's Extra] xhd| 137.593505859375 95.66000366210938 194 2 2024-10-12 07:46:22
Mitsukiyo - Unwelcome School [Classroom Chaos] xrh| 134.64930725097656 95.9540023803711 333 5 2024-11-06 01:53:12
S3RL - MTC (Different Heaven Remix) [Anime Haven] xrh| 129.01824951171875 99.125 788 0 2024-10-19 05:55:45
Turbo - PADORU / PADORU [Gift] xhd| 128.99221801757812 90.92900085449219 85 2 2024-11-08 11:03:30
Our Stolen Theory - United (L.A.O.S Remix) [Eternity] xhd| 120.33180236816406 94.16999816894531 951 6 2024-10-05 15:08:27
Kotoha - God-ish [Expert] xh| 117.98075866699219 97.07099914550781 586 3 2024-11-21 08:18:47
Camellia - Xeroa [Regou's VIVID] xh| 115.22480773925781 94.24099731445312 245 7 2024-11-04 13:38:07
cosMo@bousouP - Hatsune Miku no Gekishou [HAPPY END] xrhdl| 110.6376953125 94.9000015258789 361 5 2024-10-20 02:26:24
Alfakyun. - Teo [Insane] xhd| 110.42176818847656 99.7750015258789 638 2 2024-10-12 07:39:38
kessoku band - Guitar to Kodoku to Aoi Hoshi [Akitoshi's Extreme] xhd| 91.62734985351562 83.90699768066406 426 8 2024-11-14 09:32:38
ShinRa-Bansho - Hoshishizuku [Festival] xhc| 86.00310516357422 94.29399871826172 325 6 2024-10-07 05:41:30
Elmo and Cookie Monster - Cookie-Butter-Choco-Cookie [Properly mapped Extreme] xh| 78.83998107910156 89.49199676513672 137 12 2024-11-11 10:06:52
Various Artists - Jump Pack 9 [diff4title] xrhidsf|x2.00 75.67232513427734 100.0 1 0 2024-11-01 03:13:35
Kano - Stella-rium (Asterisk MAKINA Remix) [Starlight] xhd| 70.1888427734375 86.11399841308594 563 12 2024-11-14 09:57:40
32ki feat. Hatsune Miku & Kasane Teto - Mesmerizer [PhOsphoriBosyLAminoimidazoLesuCcinocarboxamide] xh| 67.92963409423828 97.73999786376953 671 6 2024-11-07 10:29:22
xi - Glorious Crown [Easy] xrhd|x2.00 64.8294677734375 98.99500274658203 337 1 2024-10-21 00:37:10
Omoi - Teo [Motto!] xh|x1.10 58.67585754394531 96.53299713134766 427 19 2024-10-07 23:43:53
Chroma - sink to the deep sea world [AR10] xh| 58.41793441772461 93.63700103759766 1194 31 2024-10-11 00:53:05
Our Stolen Theory - United (L.A.O.S Remix) [Infinity] xhd| 51.39212417602539 88.62300109863281 623 15 2024-10-05 14:44:37
xi - Glorious Crown [BEGINNER] xrhd|x2.00 47.5527229309082 100.0 384 0 2024-10-21 00:38:18
dj TAKA - quaver [Akitoshi's Beginner] xrhd|x2.00 29.265634536743164 100.0 121 0 2024-10-30 10:11:12
Iyowa feat. KAFU - Kyu-kurarin [Anxiety] xh|x1.30 28.637449264526367 90.47799682617188 324 17 2024-11-14 09:47:47
Chroma - sink to the deep sea world [helloisuck's Sunken EX] xh| 27.9160213470459 96.5780029296875 658 26 2024-10-08 23:50:52
DJ Okawari - Flower Dance (Short Ver.) [Dance] xhd| 14.098006248474121 93.11599731445312 370 28 2024-10-08 01:44:24
The Koxx - A FOOL MOON NIGHT [Friendofox's Galaxy] xh| 12.134990692138672 92.0739974975586 434 37 2024-10-11 01:16:38
Noah - Deadly force - Put an end [The end.] xh| 7.634969711303711 93.38300323486328 492 54 2024-10-07 11:31:04
fourfolium - Now Loading!!!! [Press SELECT] xhd| 6.444812774658203 86.38600158691406 205 34 2024-11-14 09:43:01
Kurokotei - Galaxy Collapse [Galaxy] xh| 5.84843635559082 94.39900207519531 857 54 2024-11-20 00:26:43
DJ Okawari - Flower Dance (Short Ver.) [Dance AR10] xhdl| 5.402242183685303 90.23600006103516 135 25 2024-10-20 02:29:42
15 Voices - Non-breath oblige [no buresu] xh| 3.8835184574127197 90.23100280761719 616 39 2024-10-07 11:25:08
Teminite & Panda Eyes - Highscore [Titania NC 10] xh| 2.7824230194091797 92.01300048828125 375 55 2024-10-23 00:19:39
The Koxx - A FOOL MOON NIGHT [Piggey's Destruction] xh| 1.668799877166748 91.37200164794922 405 70 2024-10-11 01:11:52
IOSYS - Cirno's Perfect Math Class [TAG4] xh| 0.4973296523094177 90.31900024414062 103 50 2024-11-06 00:00:24
Junichi Masuda - Sentou! Champion Iris [Dragon Queen] xrhdl|x1.25 0.18223625421524048 70.77300262451172 210 41 2024-11-14 09:50:56
Camellia - Xeroa [EXCEED] xh| 0.051209647208452225 82.5009994506836 110 104 2024-10-26 08:14:08
Norman J. Grossfeld, Russell Velazquez - Gotta Go Fast (TV Size) [SPEED OF SOUND] xhd| 0.006892225239425898 61.47200012207031 66 37 2024-11-14 09:37:20
The Koxx - A FOOL MOON NIGHT [emillia] xhdl| 2.703809514059685e-07 64.9520034790039 340 172 2024-10-12 04:21:21
WALKUERE - Ikenai Borderline [Uncrossable Borderline] xh| 3.788416336192313e-08 65.2760009765625 203 106 2024-10-08 02:06:14
MIMI feat. Hatsune Miku - Marshmary [Horizon] xhd|CS11.0 0.0 76.7770004272461 45 23 2024-10-06 05:57:13
kuroma - Pon-Pon-Pompoko Dai-Sen-Saw! [13* Jump] ph|x0.90 0.0 42.564998626708984 67 41 2024-11-07 10:42:44